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5 Valentine’s Date Ideas to Do With Your Pookie

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, here are 5 dates you can go on with your pookie.

1. your local aquarium

If you haven’t been on an aquarium date yet, this is your sign to do it. I recently went on a date to an aquarium and let me tell you, this was easily the best date I have ever been on. First off, if you or your pookie have a love for anything ocean-related then there is an added level of romance and fun! This is a fun ay to share your passions with the people you love the most. There is also the added bonus of cute, candid pictures you may take, looking at the different exhibits (yes I’m speaking from experience and yes I’m obsessed with them). This date can be on the more expensive side, depending on where you live, how much tickets cost, and if you purchase anything from food courts or gift shops. It can be helpful to look and see if the aquarium near you has any discounts available.

2. A Snackuturie Board

This is a fun, interactive date night that can easily be done on a budget. This date night idea is also perfect for that couple that prefers a night in. All you need is a cutting board and a collection of you and your partner’s favorite snacks. Variety is key to this! So go crazy and mix, sweet, savory, spicy, sour, and whatever else you would like to add. Next you need to find all the cozy blankets and pillows you have and then put on that show you and your pookie have been dying to watch (bonus points if it’s one of those cringey dating shows). This is the perfect night in, you can relax and enjoy time with your favorite food and favorite person. These can also easily be snacks that you already have in your house so that you don’t have to break the bank.

3. Rollerskating

I know what you’re thinking “I don’t know how to skate” or “I don’t want to embarrass myself” but those are the exact reasons you should go on a rollerskating date. If you don’t know how to skate then this is the perfect excuse for you to get to hold your date’s hand, especially if the relationship is still really new for y’all. This is also a great way to get more comfortable with each other. If one of y’all falls then you both get to laugh about it and then laugh even more when you both inevitably fall again. It’s an amazing way to show that y’all have no reason to be embarrassed in front of each other and plus it gives you both something to laugh about later. The cost of this does depend place to place but most places have deals depending on the days you decide to go on this date.

4. Pick out books for each other

This is a date that is perfect if you and your pookie share a love for reading. Go to the bookstore of your choice, or even the library if you want this to be as low budget as possible. These can be books that remind you of the other person, or even a book you know the other has had on their mind for a while. If the two of you have goodreads.com take a look through their lift and find a book that they have maybe even mentioned wanting to read. This will make them so happy when they see how you have been paying attention to those little things they talk about. This can either cost the amount of the books you get each other or be completely free if you choose to go and do this at a library.

5. Watch the sunset

Watching the sunset is perfect for many reasons. For one this can easily be added on to any date you choose to go on and that way you have a cute little ending to your night. You also have the opportunity to take adorable pictures because let’s be honest, sunset pics will always be a crowd favorite. These can be pictures of just the sunset, you and your date in front of the sunset, or even cute individual pictures of each other. Also don’t be afraid to get super cozy, get out the blankets, pillows, hammocks, or whatever you want to make this as cozy as it can be. This is great to relax with each other and wind down after whatever day the two of you have had. This is an affordable and intimate option.

All of these dates are great to go on with your pookie this Valentine’s Day and they are sure to be something very memorable for anyone looking to treat their pookie right!

Emma Bonasia

Winthrop '26

Hi! I'm Emma and I'm a freshman at Winthrop. I am an environmental studies major with a political science minor and I'm excited to write articles for Her Campus!