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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Calling all Disney fanatics Collegiettes! If you’re anything like me, you LOVE Disney movies.

Most hard-core Disney lovers know about things called “Easter eggs” in many of the Disney movies. These are small, hidden things placed in a Disney movie that are related to other Disney movies, such as a character, toy, etc. So, we have compiled a list of some of our favorites!




In Hercules, our favorite god wears a coat that resembles Scar from The Lion King.



Rapunzel and Flynn Rider make an appearance at Elsa’s coronation in Frozen. In fact, at the end of Tangled, Rapunzel asks Flynn his plans for their honeymoon. He replies, “I hear summer’s pretty nice in Arendale,” which is where Frozen takes place!


Lilo and Stitch 

A poster of Mulan is on Nani’s bedroom wall. 



The Beast from Beauty and the Beast makes an appearance in this film as one of the figurines Sultan is stacking up. (Jafar later causes them to tumble.)


Brother Bear

Our favorite little clownfish Nemo from Finding Nemo makes an appearance as he gets thrown from Denahi and Sitka’s net.


Monsters Inc.


Two objects from the Toy Story series appear in Boo’s room: the ball and Jessie the Cowgirl. Nemo also makes another appearance!



Another character from the Toy Story series, Lotso, shows up in this scene from Up.


This does not nearly cover a fraction of all of the Disney Easter Eggs out there, but these are some of my personal favorites that I have spotted over the years.

Keep an eye out from now on when you are watching a Disney movie for any similar hidden surprises collegiettes!

Ali Maclay is a biology major, chemistry minor, psychology minor, and honors student at Winthrop University. She is an aspiring Neuroscientist and hopes to work at St. Jude Children's Hospital. She is the Facebook Social Media Director for Her Campus Winthrop's Facebook page, and associate member of Tri Beta Biological Honors Society, and a member of the Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society at Winthrop. When she's not doing academic work, working at her job, or writing for HC, she's probably binge-watching Netflix, dreaming on Pinterest, stress cleaning, or eating ice cream.
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.Â