Being a senior in college or being in your last year of graduate school can be exciting because
you are so close to the end. After graduating, the college life is going to end – the late nights in
the library with your friends, hanging out with your friends who live right down the hall, and
attending all the fun events that campus holds. With the end of college coming soon, it is nice
to make a “bucket list” of all the things you want to do on campus and with your friends
throughout the school year.
- Some college campuses hold fun events for their students. At Winthrop, one of the
student organizations have a week at the beginning of the fall semester called
“Welcome Week.” This week they have comedians and professional dancers come to
campus while also holding silent disco events or fun Kahoot games that are welcome to
anyone on campus. It may be worth checking any calendars that the college provides to
see if there are any events that seem interesting happening on your campus!
2. Many colleges have athletics. Even if you and your friends are not a fan of sporting
events, it may be fun to go just so you can say you went to a few games while in college.
At Winthrop, the basketball team is great, and it is always fun to watch your school do
what they are good at! Sometimes the teams have free things at their games and that’s
also another reason to go to the games.
3. Some colleges have theater and music departments that require students to participate
in events such as plays or ensembles. Even though this might not be something
interesting to you, but it is a great way to be support classmates and others on your
college campus.
4. Schedule nights ahead of time with your friends to do something off campus. This might
be planning a picnic, going to the movies, attending a concert, or another event close to
the campus. This can be a fun way to make sure you are doing something fun with your
friends while getting away from campus for a little while.
While at college, it may seem hard to get off campus to explore the community
surrounding you’re campus. Many college campuses are surrounded by history, and it is a
great opportunity to make sure to take advantage of while you are living in the area. In
Rock Hill, where Winthrop is situated, there are so many places to go to learn about the
history of the town. There are even places on campus where people have the
opportunity to learn about the history of Winthrop’s campus.