I originally wanted to go to college as a single woman. I was someone who had a hard time in high
school, so I didn’t want to bring any attachments from my past into what I considered a “fresh start.”
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that; in fact, most people want that when moving away from
home. When I got accepted to Winthrop, I saw it as a way to reinvent myself. I love myself, don’t get me
wrong, but I hated who I was in my past. I saw Winthrop as a way to be this amazing version of myself
and introduce her to the real world. I did, however, miss all the cheesy parts about being in a
relationship. So, doing what any fresh 18-year-old does, I downloaded Bumble.
I could go on about dating apps and their pros and cons. I have funny stories, but that’s a story for
another day. I met my boyfriend on Bumble in June of 2022. I just wanted to have a summer full of cute
moments with a clean break in early August; it was going to be so easy. Now, I’m not the first to say that
dating apps are not where you fall in love. They’re quite actually the opposite, that’s why it appealed to
me so quickly. I met my boyfriend when my hot girl summer was at its peak. I was getting so much
validation from all these people on the internet, and it was awesome.
My boyfriend and I weren’t supposed to end up dating. We had the same plan going into it: have some
fun times for a couple of weeks then break it off with no hard feelings. Then, we met each other and
that quickly changed. Less than a month after meeting, he asked me to be his girlfriend, then we
ventured into the world of long-distance dating.
We both knew we were going to schools that were not within typical driving distance. It was also just so
new at the time; we had no clue if it was going to work out. I wish I could say I had no doubts about the
long distance, but that’s not true. Anyone would have doubts about going LD in a new relationship. We
barely had a foundation to work on, we were still getting to know each other, and then there was the
fear of him having a new apartment that I had access to. If anyone tells you that dating a guy with an
apartment isn’t scary, they’re lying. I can guarantee they felt the same way I did, at least the first couple
of times.
So, how is it going? Is it worth it? Should you be a total Rachel and leave the dream job in Paris to be
with Ross in New York? Well, hopefully, you and your partner aren’t Ross and Rachel, they’re kind of
crazy. But for me, I say go for it, and here’s why. I was lucky enough to have only an hour between me
and my boyfriend. It typically doesn’t work out that way for everyone. I get to see my boyfriend most
weekends, but that doesn’t stop me from missing him throughout the week. I think this is the best way
it could have gone; I know that’s insane to think.
The distance gave us something amazing, a chance to live college lives on our own. I came to Winthrop
with a heavy heart knowing he wouldn’t be able to be here all of the time. After I found my footing, I hit
the ground running. I found new friends and still was able to introduce myself to the real world. I didn’t
form the crazy attachment that I would have formed had we been together 24/7. He was forced to find
people in his new town and so was I. Now, we’re both extremely happy with where we are. They say
distance makes the heart grow fonder, and there has never been a truer statement spoken. I have a
newfound appreciation for every moment I get to spend with him, and understand why people say time
is precious.
Yes, it sucks when either one of us has to drive back home or when we just want a hug after a long day. Sometimes loneliness is a real and horrible feeling, but just remember, we live in an age
where everyone is just a phone call away. If you’re going to go LD, there is no better time than the
present, and we never know where technology will take us one day. I miss him now, and I just saw him
yesterday, but I would much rather be missing him knowing I’ll see him this weekend instead of being
So back to the original question, is it worth it? If you ask me, I say go for it. If it’s meant to work out it
will. The universe has its funny ways of teasing us. For me, it was meeting a guy I really liked and then
making us LD. I love my life; I love where I am and everyone that I have by my side. I would love to say
that in my perfect world, I would have him around me 24/7, but right now at least, that’s not true. I’ll
take my time to savor my moments with him.