Going away to college is a big change, it is a part of growing up.
During my time at Winthrop I have become the person I am today that I would not have been if i was for the things I went through and experienced during college.
As a freshmen I had an idea of what college was like but never understood until I experienced college myself. As a senior and looking back at my college experience I wrote this article for the upcoming freshmen about to experience college.
Dear Upcoming freshmen,
College can be scary, it will most likely be your first time leaving home and being on your own. You’ll make new friends, have to do your own laundry and have classes at random times of the day. Yes, college can be a big change, but enjoy every minute of it.
You’ll go from having your own room to sharing a small dorm with someone you just met and have to share a bathroom with everyone on your hall. That’s how you’ll meet friends, and maybe even your best friend. It’s not the end of the world; everyone on your hall is experiencing that change together.
Get used to cafeteria food, but hey, you have a lot of options and you’ll appreciate your families cooking on breaks. On weekends, you don’t have to go out to parties to be cool, you will find the right group of people who like to do the same things as you.
Involvement in campus is necessary. Get involved in clubs and organizations early and be an active member in them. That is a good way to build character and a way to meet friends that have the same interests as you! Attend sporting events, they’re a fun way to take a break of school and support your school. Be supportive of the school you go to!
Classes are different than high school, some professor don’t take attendance and some classes are offered at 6:30 at night. You might have a crazy schedule, but that is okay. Take your education seriously and always try your best in school. You are paying for your education, care about it.
Choose the major you like, your classes will be more interesting and that will be your future. When you think nothing is going to be okay, always remember you will get through that rough patch and everything will be okay.