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Should You Make the Switch? Changing Your Major Late in the Game

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

You can admit it.

Almost every college student has thought about changing their major at least once. 

If you haven’t, you’re one of the lucky ones.

Unfortunately, I was not one of those lucky ones.

I started out in a little major called Integrated Marketing Communications– IMCO for short. If you’re thinking, “Um
 what is that?”, so do most people. 

Anyways, after a little while of that, I already wanted to change. The classes weren’t interesting to me as much as I thought, my grades were meh, and I was just kind of existing.

“But,” I thought, “It’s just the beginning. I’ll wait it out to see if it gets better!”

It didn’t. 

I stuck with it, kept quiet about my doubts, and moved right along.

By then, I was nearing the end of my sophomore year. I still wasn’t satisfied.

“But,” I thought, “Now I would just be giving up. I waited too long. I’m stuck.” 

The more I pushed it off, the more my mind wandered, and I wanted to make the switch.

You see, I love art. I’ve always loved art. I was told art doesn’t get you anywhere except for seven part-time jobs and financial stress. 

That’s why I didn’t choose art.

Every time I considered it, my thoughts went back to that image of life. Of course, I didn’t want to live like that.

Ever since I started college, there was always a little voice in my head saying something like, “But what if you designed and created art? What if you just said ‘Screw it, I do what I want.’?”

That’s when I decided to switch to Graphic Design.

I sent an email to my advisor in my efforts to leave IMCO and I did it. I became a Graphic Design major in less than two says. I decided to screw it- I went with my gut.

So, now that you know my little story, what happened after? Was it too late to switch? Am I severely behind on credits now? Do I wish I could go back to IMCO?

The answers to these are no, it’s never too late, the credits are okay, and

Going with my gut was the best decision I made.

At first, I regretted it. I mean, I’m now a junior taking beginner-level design courses. Now, I don’t mind. I’m right where I want to be.

Maybe you’re like me. Maybe you were confident in your major starting out, but now
 you’re not so sure. You wanted to try and stick with it, so you think it’s too late.

Well, it’s not. Credit-wise, who cares? 

If you’re not happy where you are, do something about it.

Something I had to set straight for myself is that changing my major did not mean giving up. I wasn’t happy, and my heart wasn’t in it.

So, about being late in the game, if you’re considering it, talk to an advisor. 

Because, if not now, when?

Maybe my story will inspire you. Maybe it won’t.

Now that I’ve switched, my thoughts about pursuing art have changed. Maybe I will have seven part-time jobs, and maybe I will struggle to get out there. But you know what, maybe none of that will happen, I don’t know.

I do, however, know that I like where my life is at right now.

If you’re like me, switch. Try it out.

Just think, how will you know if you never try?

Savannah Hynes

Winthrop '24

Majoring in Graphic Design, minoring in Cat Whispering.