To be honest I never thought I would be in a sorority. I thought I had to fit this certain “model” and if you didn’t fit that mold/model then it would be best to not be involved in greek life. You mix that with greek life stereotypes and I was like sorority? No thanks…this ain’t for me.
Flash forward to now..I decided to give greek life a go and now I am in the BEST sorority a girl could ask for!!!
But honestly I think this came from realizing what I found in Delta Zeta. Even though it hasn’t been long since I ran home to Delta Zeta, I am not even initiated yet, I have found Delta Zeta to be home.
I have found a sisterhood of girls that love each other unconditionally at all times.
I have found a group of girls that accept you for how you look or act no matter the place or time of day.
I have found a group of girls who love the weird things in life that make life worth living for.
I have found a group of girls who love to eat just as much as me.
I have found a group of girls who value academics and school to the next level.
I have found a group of girls who make you want to be the best version of yourself.
Above all I am happy I have found a group of girls who I am proud to call my sisters.
And I can not wait to see what the future holds for me and the many more memories that I will make in Delta Zeta!