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What I Have Learned From Being an Aunt

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Becoming an aunt was one of the most important and amazing things that have happened to me in life thus far. I was a sophomore in high school when my two nephews came along and it really changed my world for the better. I cherish the memories I’ve made with them and everything that I have learned from being their aunt. There’s a lot of great things that happen once you become an aunt or uncle, but I’m going to talk about some of my favorites. Here are a few things that I absolutely love about being an aunt to my own nephews. 

  1. It Allows You to be “Young” Again 

The number of times I have chased them around the house in a game of tag or played pretend is too many to count, but I love every minute of it. There’s nothing better than one of my nephews requesting for me to come to play with them. One of our favorites is to go “camping” and I can’t lie, it’s a little bit fun to do. You get to relive the parts of growing up that are so fun alongside your nieces and nephews. 

  1. Reading Story Books Before Bed

There’s nothing better than snuggling up with my nephews and reading them a few books before bed. I get to share the joys of reading with them while also getting in on some cuddle time that’s hard to come by during the day. This is one of my favorite things to do with my nephews, and I highly encourage it if you have your own. It’s a great time to bond and show your love for them through reading them some stories. 

  1. The Unconditional Love

The love that I share with my nephews is so special — it’s truly unconditional. They can feel the love I have for them and in return, they love me just the same. If you have your own, you know just how special this bond is. It doesn’t take much either– just being there for them and being present shows that you care and love them. I live far from my nephews, so I try to facetime them whenever I can. It’s one of my favorite things to do because my face lights up when I see them and theirs does the same. 

  1. You Grow as a Person 

Becoming an aunt has changed me in many ways– the most important one being my maturity. It helped me become more caring and selfless since I was no longer the only one that was the youngest in the family. I wanted to look out for and help take care of my nephews, so I needed to set good examples for them. You’ll learn that they’re always watching, so it’s important to be your best version of yourself when you’re around them. 

  1. They Become an Important Part of Your Life 

If you know me, you definitely know about my nephews. I have a plethora of pictures that I love to show and stories to share about my memories with them. I find myself always thinking “I bet they would love that!” whenever I see something in the store that reminds me of them. They have become an integral part of my life and I couldn’t imagine it without them.

Abigail Smith

Winthrop '24

Howdy! My name's Abigail, but you can call me Abby. I'm a 3rd-year student at Winthrop University, majoring in Elementary Education. I love cartoons, history, video games, animals, horseback riding, reading, and of course writing!