Alright, I get it. We love Nick, we love Schmidt, and we love Jess. But come on, let’s not forget Winston— because let’s be real, we all have a little bit of Winston in us, and here are 15 proofs to attest to that. There’s nothing wrong with being Winnie the Bish.
1. He stands by this golden rule of life.
2. He says things as they are and never tries to sugarcoat things.
3. Including when people ask for his opinion on their outfits.
4. This is all because he’s the master of sass.
5. He can relate to the importance of alcohol and would not waste a drop of it.
6. Evidently, he knows how to have fun.
7. However, he also recognizes when it’s time to stop drinking…
8. And when it’s time when to start eating. Let’s be real, you just can’t wait for that long.
9. However, he’s just as un-athletic as you when it comes to burning off the calories. (Who plays basketball in Latvia? And where is Latvia, anyways?)
10. He can also relate to how hard it is to take a sports bra off.
11. The “skills and attributes” section on his resume is similar to yours.
12. He can relate to how you feel on Valentine’s Day…
13. Or when dealing with crisis (aka. during mid-term and finals…)
14. Or when dealing people who piss his friends off.
15. Because at the end of the day, he always gives his friends 110%. Remember that time when he was the only one who actually took Coach’s farewell party seriously? #friendshipgoals
Stay slaying, Winston!