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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

A Look into My Favorites So Far and Future Booklist

If I could only have one hobby, it would probably be reading. The time I spend enjoying a good book when I wake up and before bed is an essential part of my routine. I set a goal to read at least 30 books this year, and so far, Iā€™m at 12, so hopefully I can make this happen! I want to share my favorite books Iā€™ve read so far, as well as discuss what books Iā€™m eager to read this year.

My favorite book Iā€™ve read this year has to beĀ The Silent PatientĀ by Alex Michaelides. I rarely rate books 5/5, but this one definitely deserves it, in my opinion. I read this in January over Winter break and finished it in two days. It was one of the most riveting books Iā€™d read in a while and had a plot twist I never saw coming. This novel follows a therapist as he tries to uncover why a woman supposedly killed her husband and never spoke again. If you like dark mysteries, I highly recommend it.Ā 

Another favorite of mine this year was Elena Ferranteā€™sĀ My Brilliant Friend.Ā I readĀ The Lying Life of Adults by her last year and loved it, so I had to give this one a try as well.Ā My Brilliant FriendĀ is about two girls living in Naples, Italy and the struggles they face as they grow up together. One of the biggest themes throughout is female friendship, which I always love to read about and find the nuances of it fascinating. The writing is authentic, vivid, and keeps you engaged. I believe there are multiple in this series that follow the girls as they become adults, and I definitely want to read the rest.Ā 

My other favorite has to beĀ Tuesdays With MorrieĀ by Mitch Albom. This memoir is about Mitch visiting his beloved professor, Morrie, who was dying from ALS, and the wisdom Morrie had to share. Topics like love, family, careers, and happiness are discussed from the perspective of this wise older man. Itā€™s a heartwarming story and is such a quick read. I think I finished it in a couple days. After readingĀ The Midnight LibraryĀ a couple years ago, Iā€™m always on the hunt for a book that talks about the so-called ā€œmeaning of lifeā€ and gives me some much-needed perspective. Iā€™d recommendĀ Tuesdays With MorrieĀ to anyone as itā€™s such a quick and easy read. Although it discusses deep topics, it ends on a hopeful note.Ā 

Now, to discuss what Iā€™m most excited to read this year! I used to only read mysteries and romance novels, but last year and this year, Iā€™ve explored some different genres. Iā€™m so glad I did and really want to continue doing so. Iā€™m definitely excited to read some more memoirs this year as I find them so inspiring and real. On my to-read list for memoirs areĀ Just KidsĀ by Patti Smith andĀ My Year of Magical ThinkingĀ by Joan Didion. I also want to read more by Dolly Alderton, as last year I read her memoir,Ā Everything About Love, and was obsessed. It might have been my favorite book of last year. I want to continue to read more literary fiction, includingĀ Station ElevenĀ by Emily St. John Mandel,Ā BelovedĀ andĀ SulaĀ by Toni Morrison, and Magaret Atwoodā€™sĀ The Handmaidā€™s Tale.Ā 

Iā€™ve loved reflecting on my reading journey so far and am excited for all the books that await me this year. As I recount the stories absorbed, I can see how certain narratives have truly left a mark on me and Iā€™m so grateful for them. For in the world of reading, the journey is as enriching as the destination, and with each new book, I find myself renewed, inspired, and thankful for the gift of storytelling.

Lily Wood

Wisconsin '26

Hi! My name is Lily, and I'm a junior at UW Madison studying psychology. I love to travel, read, listen to music, go on walks and hang out with my friends and little sister. I'm so happy to be a part of Her Campus!