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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

My Three Go-Tos for Fall

As I write this, it is officially the first day of fall. Today was the first truly chilly day in Madison, and it has me craving hot coffee and warm meals. With classes picking up and the days growing shorter, I’m looking forward to ringing in the fall season by returning to my favorite cozy restaurants.

1. Michelangelo’s Coffee House

With plenty of tables and couches, Michelangelo’s is my favorite fall-weather study spot. The cafe itself smells delicious, and one of the things I love most is that the walls are decorated with local artists’ work. It’s a cinematically charming spot that makes it easy to romanticize studying. They offer a wide variety of coffees, teas and smoothies, and I’ve yet to try something I didn’t love. The pastries are always baked fresh, and their breakfast sandwiches are perfect for quick, cozy meals in between classes.

2. Paul’s Pel’meni

Before discovering Paul’s, I had never even heard of pel’meni, but I’ve been a devoted fan ever since. Those little Russian potato dumplings have easily become one of my top comfort foods, especially when I’m craving something filling and spicy. The restaurant is small and cramped, which I think only adds to its homey “hidden gem” feel. I almost didn’t even want to write about it because, despite its relative popularity, it’s still my spot. Yet if you get to know me, soon enough I’ll be sure to suggest it almost immediately into our friendship. During especially chilly evenings, I’ll often go tuck myself away into one of its warm corners. Treating myself to one of those steaming cardboard cartons of pel’meni after an exam is my form of self care, and going to Paul’s has become a Madison ritual I’ve relied on.

3. Short Stack Eatery

Every time my mom visits me in Madison I always look forward to going to brunch with her. While we often try a new place, we always find ourselves coming back to Short Stack. The restaurant has a quirky atmosphere, with table markers made from old license plates, and ticket stubs and polaroids stuffed under countertops. Short Stack’s weekend lines that wrap around the block just go to show how good the food really is. They specialize in pancakes, the ultimate cozy meal. Their food is a great way to start a productive day, or just a way to enjoy a leisurely morning. Madison is not for lack of want when it comes to brunch places, but with its unique appeal and great food, Short Stack manages to stand out.

The food scene in Madison is one of the best perks of being a UW–Madison student. Whether I’m in need of a good study spot, a hearty meal or just a refuge from the cold, these cozy eats ensure I make the most of my autumns in Madison.

Priya Kanuru

Wisconsin '26

Priya is a junior at UW-Madison majoring in Political Science and English-Creative Writing, with a certificate in Educational Policy Studies.