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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Interesting experiences with friends

This year I have found out what it’s like to be the honorary roommate at your friend’s apartment. Earlier this year, I signed a lease with three of my friends for an apartment next year. While they have already been living together these past two semesters, I have been living in a single dorm on campus nearby. When they moved in, we realized just how close to each other we happen to live. This close distance has led to a host of quite interesting experiences so far. 

Binge-watching T.V. together

Binge sessions of One Tree Hill and Game of Thrones have become common occurrences at the apartment. We don’t have to wait weeks on end to get caught up in whatever show we are watching because any gap of free time in our schedules can be utilized since we live so close to each other.

a break from the dorms

Living in a dorm can sometimes be lonely and boring, so having friends who live so close by has been an unexpected benefit for me. Since I live in a single, being able to spend time in their more spacious and interesting apartment is a good change of scenery. 

getting to decorate

I have taken to buying my share of seasonal decorations for the apartment including Valentine’s Day garlands, a wooden St. Patrick’s Day leprechaun I named Jimmy and of course a print of Bella and Edward from Twilight to put on their Christmas tree. Everyone contributes in the naming and decorating of the apartment and the decor so it’s always a fun and lively debate.

it’s never too late to come over

Even if I am wearing pajamas and in bed for the night, it is never too inconvenient to be called over for a movie night or to bake brownies. When there is a sweet treat involved, I can usually make it over there in less than ten minutes.

Next year I get promoted to actual roommate and I can’t wait for what new experiences this next adventure will bring. 

Sylvia Madorsky

Wisconsin '26

Sylvia Madorsky is a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is currently undecided as for her major. She is currently exploring interesting majors such as Psychology, Gender and Women Studies, History, and more. In her free time, she likes to read, paint, and spend time with her friends.