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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

As college students, budgeting can be a priority that makes a difference to your bank account. It’s important to stay informed on the best money-saving tips to make sure your wallet stays as thick as possible.


1 . Set up a monthly budget

Determining the amount of money you want to spend on different things is an important part of saving money. Setting up a budget makes sure that you are allocating your money properly while allowing you to be mindful on the things you spend them on.

2. Differentiate between needs and wants

It is easy to prioritize those jeans you’ve always want over groceries. However, prioritizing needs over wants is one of the best ways to save money. Focus on your needs, then treat yourself every once in a while after you’ve saved a substantial amount of money.

3. Pay yourself first

Putting money in a saving account is a great way to save for the future. Including savings in your budget is an important part of allocating your monthly income.

4. Make a list of income and expenses

One of the easiest way to make sure you’re saving money is to take a look at income versus expenses. If your expenses are constantly exceeding your income, then you will steadily lose money. Keeping track of money flow is one of the most direct ways to save money.

5. Cut out one small item from your weekly expenses

For many, this small item could be a coffee — consider cutting down your dose of energy from four to only one time a week. Although a small coffee is around $3, that money can add up quickly. That said, saving money on small items is a great way to see more money coming in without even realizing it.



Taking time to save money is so important as college students on a budget. So make sure you follow these five fast tips to save money!