In this day in age, multi-tasking is kind of our generation’s thing. This should definitely extend to our desire to stay warm this winter. Below, you can find five creative ways to stay warm while you listen to music, cuddle, or even text!
1. Headphone earmuffs—Do you always walk to class with ear buds? Does it annoy you when your hat or regular earmuffs either push them too far into your ears or make them pop out all together? This product solves that problem.
2. Cell phone compatible gloves—In this tech savvy age, we can’t be bothered with unanswered texts due to cold hands! Luckily Urban Outfitters offers this pair of screen compatible gloves for when we need to answer messages from our roommates and keep warm.
3. Funny mugs—With sayings like “there’s a chance this is wine” or “there’s a chance this is vodka” written boldly on the drink wear, this mug will definitely come in handy. Feel free to fill with coffee for its warmth or alcohol for that infamous ‘liquor jacket.’
4. New pajama craze—So onesies are the warmest pajamas out there, right? WRONG! With the extra body heat, it’s looking like twinsies is the way to go in order to take cuddling to the next level. Make sure you try these out with someone you like though; it looks kind of difficult to get in and out of this silly sleepwear!
5. Stuffed animal scarves—When I was little, I always found warmth and comfort in my wide range of stuffed animals. Now, it is possible to appeal to the kid inside with these stuffed animals scarves! They are all over the Internet and come in many varieties. This unique accessory is sure to be a conversation starter (with either adults who are judging you or small children who are jealous of you).
All of these items make for perfect gifts for your bestie (or maybe just for you… you deserve it) this holiday season. Wisconsin winter weather (woah there, alliteration) is coming, collegiettes! Time to gear up.