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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.


After surviving another crazy finals season, all we want is for it to be summer so we can finally relax. Even though summer promises a long-awaited break from school, the season also brings its own unique challenges.

Summer Jobs


You might think that your summer will be filled with sleeping in and days at the beach, but most of your time will probably be spent working. While you can definitely earn a lot working during summer break, spending virtually all your days or nights working can definitely get boring.

Summer Internships

It’s a proven fact that there is nothing more stressful than trying to secure a summer internship. Starting your first internship can be daunting, and the fact that many are unpaid can make it hard to even want to commit. However, internships can still provide you with valuable experience in your field and create connections that will help you down the road.

Dressing for the Weather

Getting dressed can be a challenge when it’s 80 degrees outside yet going inside feels like entering a freezer. Dealing with summer weather only gets harder when you’re basically dressing for two completely different seasons.

Summer Classes

Summer break is a great time to take a difficult class that would be hard to manage during the semester. Still, having to go to class during summer is definitely not fun while it’s happening.


It may seem like everyone is doing something amazing during their summer break, whether it be studying abroad or taking a great vacation. There can be a lot of pressure to make the most of summer break, but what that actually means is going to be different for everyone.

Summer gives us a much-needed break from the stress of the rest of the year, but that doesn’t mean the season is without its problems. That said, summer is still inarguably the best time of the year for most of us, and it’s almost here!