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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

This could be the best year of your life

The beginning of Freshman year of college will likely be one of the most nerve wracking but also exciting times of your life. It is likely the first time you are away from home, all on your own! How awesome, but there are also so many unknowns. As a now sophomore in college, I spent the summer reflecting on my Freshman year- the ups and the downs. I have put together the best of my advice based on my own freshman year takeaways.

1. Be Open to Meeting New People

When you first arrive on campus, everyone is eager to connect and make new friends. This is great for them and for you. Embrace the opportunity! Attend orientation events, say yes to as much as you can, get coffee with the sweet girl who sits next to you in lecture. Remember, everyone is in the same boat (everyone’s a little scared). Be confident! Being extroverted and being confident are not necessarily the same thing. You can be introverted, and still make awesome connections in these first few weeks if you have confidence in yourself and who you are. It may take a minute, but you will find your people!

2. Don’t Take It Personally

Continuing on the last point- as you meet new people, it’s important to keep in mind that not every interaction will lead to a lasting friendship. You may have a great hangout and then never speak again. If the first few people you meet don’t become your best friends, don’t take it to heart. Building deep connections takes time- you didn’t forge your best friendships in a day. It may just take a bit of time to find the relationships that are going to last.

3. Leverage Built-In Friendships

Built in friendships can be a game changer. Whether it’s your roommate or friends on your floor, these proximity friends can provide a great support system. I personally met some of my closest friends two doors down from my room. Not only is it good to live close to your friends for social purposes, but it also adds convenience, whether that be borrowing clothes, spontaneously sharing meals or curling your hair at the last minute.

4. Stay True to Yourself

While freshman year is an exciting time full of new experiences,  it’s essential to stay true to your values and desires. Don’t feel pressured to participate in activities or social events that don’t resonate with you. Don’t do anything to please the people around you because you want to look “cool.” If you feel like you have to do things that don’t align with your values to be liked by a group, then they are not meant to be your people. 

5. Give Yourself Grace

Your freshman year will undoubtedly come with its share of ups and downs. There may be moments you wish you could redo or decisions you regret. School is hard, and so is the college social scene. Remember, you are still learning. You’ve never done any of this before. Allow yourself the grace to make mistakes, reflect on them and grow.

6. Get Involved

Well it’s cliché, one of the best ways to improve your college experience is to get involved in campus activities. Whether it’s a club, sorority or intramural sports team that piques your interest, do as much as you can while still taking good care of yourself. Keeping busy not only fills your schedule but also exposes you to new experiences. It’s a great way to find your passions, and also build your resume in the process.

7. Embrace Your Academics

It’s perfectly cool to care about your academics. The coolest actually. After all, it is the reason you’re here – don’t let it go to waste. Balancing your studies with social life is key to a fulfilling college experience, and it is something you will learn quickly your freshman year. Attend all your classes (even when you don’t feel like it), do your homework, study hard. You’re an academic weapon, and don’t forget it.

8. Rush! It doesn’t have to be everything

If you’re considering joining a sorority or fraternity, know that it can be an awesome experience—but it doesn’t have to define your college years. Rush is not a perfect process, and it can be really hard. It is truly not everything college has to offer. However, that is not to say it won’t be a blast! These organizations can offer community and support, and are just another way to meet people and build lasting friendships.

Concluding, your freshman year is a unique time filled with possibilities. By staying open to new experiences, building authentic friendships, and balancing your academic and social life, you’ll set the foundation for a rewarding college journey. Make the most of every experience you have. I ended my Freshman year of college a few months ago, and I can honestly say it was the best year of my life- there is so much college has to offer. I hope the same for you!

Norah Johnstone

Wisconsin '27

Norah Johnstone is a Sophomore at University of Wisconsin-Madison Majoring in International Studies and Environmental Studies, with a certificate in Political Science. She hopes to obtain her PHD in either International Relations or Environmental Studies after undergrad, and eventually become a professor. She loves being involved at Wisconsin in ways such as Hercampus. In her free time she can be found doing any number of things, including painting, running, and adventuring.