“Another season of The Bachelor has come to an end. I’m not going to lie—I’m okay moving on.” Bachelor fans everywhere couldn’t agree more with host Chris Harrison’s comment in the most infuriating Bachelor finale yet. But there is a silver lining; fan favorite Andi Dorfman has been chosen as the next Bachelorette. If she wasn’t your favorite already, Andi quickly rose to the top of everyone’s list after she shared her true thoughts on Juan Pabs in the fantasy sweet episode. Here are 8 reasons why Andi was the best—and obvious—choice for “The Bachelorette.”
1. She’s an assistant district attorney, which is an actual profession.
2. She didn’t raise questions about her mental stability by pretending to be pregnant while introducing herself to Juan Pablo.
3. She didn’t settle for this load of absolute garbage.
4. But she still manages to be close friends with the poor girl that did.
5. She has a pretty good BS radar—she’s clearly not buying it as JP tries to explain his “English barrier” through ape-like motions.
6. Chris Harrison already likes her a thousand times more than Juan Pablo.
7. She was able to make a logical distinction that many of this season’s contestants failed to realize.
8. And finally, she verbally expressed the number one emotion all Bachelor fans had this season.
Though she didn’t get the final rose, I think most Bachelor fans can agree that Andi came out as the real winner this season. Tune in May 19th to watch her begin her search for true love—which hopefully won’t end in her saying “I like you a lot, let’s keep dating.”