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How to: Avoid Being Awkward

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.


We’re all aware of the phrase, “that’s awkward”. I tend to use it one too many times, but I can’t help it; it’s a phrase that sticks. The other day one of my roommates pulled out moldy sour cream from our refrigerator, and without any thought, I immediately blurted out, “well that’s awkward”. But come to think about it, pulling out an old container of sour cream really isn’t that awkward. So, right there and then is where my roommate got on the topic of discussing moments that actually are awkward.

Take a look to what we thought were actual awkward moments.

  1. Blowing your nose in class followed by looking at the tissue
  2. Walk of shame
  3. Your bro actually tells a cool story
  4. You delete the funniest Facebook status after no one likes it
  5. It suddenly dawns on you that you are chewing on someone else’s pen cap
  6. You say bye to someone then both continue walking in the same direction
  7. Your dentist asks you a question when his hands are in your mouth
  8. Your card is declined while shopping and the people waiting in line give “that look” (this has happened to me one too many times)
  9. Elevator rides with strangers
  10. You wave back  to someone who was not waving at you
  11. It’s quiet and you’re eating something crunchy
  12. When you’re telling a story & realized no one’s listening, so you slowly fade out & pretend you never said anything
  13. Checking your phone to see what time it is and checking it again because the first time you weren’t paying attention
  14. Having to give someone the email address you made when you were 11
  15. See something you like, check the price tag, and then slowly walk away