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How To: Black Friday Shop

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.


The end of November is here, and that means everyone’s favorite holiday is right around the corner…Black Friday of course! Topped only by the Saturday before Christmas, Black Friday is the busiest shopping day of the year where outrageous deals entice millions of shoppers across the country to wake up from their food comas and hit the malls. If you’re like me, Black Friday is a much-awaited day of shopping joy. But for those Black Friday first-timers, the experience can be a little daunting. Here’s some simple do’s and don’ts’s to make your Black Friday experience a success.

DO: Fuel Up– Black Friday is a battle zone, and like any great warrior, you need be energized and alert at all times. I foolishly went into my first Black Friday experience thinking that the five tons of food I ate on Thanksgiving would keep my stomach satisfied while shopping. FALSE. Your energy and shopping enthusiasm drains quickly when you’re hungry, so pack snacks and above all, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

DON’T: Dress to Impress- For whatever reason, there are always those people who feel they have to look their best while shopping. Well let me tell you ladies, Black Friday shopping is neither the time nor place for a beauty contest. Instead, you should dress for success. The two clothing items that are a Black Friday must are comfy shoes and a vest. It may not be the most glamorous outfit, but you’ll be grateful when you can quickly and easily maneuver between hectic shoppers.

DO: Prepare to hide the evidence- Black Friday is a game of strategy, and that involves getting crafty. If you find an item but aren’t sure if you want to buy it or not, stash it in a little hiding spot incase you want to return to it later. Chances are, the sales people are too busy running around trying to control the madness to discover your hiding place. Hey, sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.

DON’T: Sweat the Small (or Big) Stuff- As helpful as ads and circulars are in planning your Black Friday game-plan, don’t become too attached with the major-deal items featured. If you’re like me and you like your Black Friday to actually start on Friday, chances are the $100 TV from Walmart won’t be there if you stroll in at 6 am. The joy of Black Friday is the surprise in finding awesome deals on the little things you didn’t know were there.

DO: Put Others First- I’m not talking about other shoppers (it’s every woman for herself out there), but rather shopping for others rather than shopping for yourself. My first Black Friday experience I returned laden with bags upon bags of Christmas presents for other people and not a thing for myself, and it was the best shopping experience I’ve ever had. The only thing better than scoring a cute scarf for yourself is scoring one for your best friend and picturing that delighted look she’ll have when you give it to her. And ladies, if you can, shop with your mom. There’s no greater form of mother-daughter bonding than shopping together, and I’m sure you make a much more competent (and enthusiastic) Christmas shopping companion than your dad.

So if you’ve been intimidated out of participating in Black Friday before, fear not. Just gather your team of shopaholics, grab a latte, and follow these Do’s and Don’ts’s to make you Black Friday a shopping success.