Midterms are upon us, and with them comes feelings of being overwhelmed, anxious, and exhausted. Who has time for this many projects, papers, and exams? It’s getting to the point where using a planner is pointless, because I just want to write “EVERYTHING” under my to-do list. The number of things I have to do and study is daunting. And I don’t know about you, but as the amount of work that I have to do increases, the motivation that I have to do it all decreases.
During this time of the semester, we begin to experience a rollercoaster of emotions. One minute we might be writing notecards like our lives depend on it, and the next minute we could find ourselves researching spring break destinations. We have our priorties in order. It’s fine. As you are studying for midterms, New Girl’s Nick Miller can guide you through stages you might experience along the way:
Stage 1: Deciding what to do first.Stage 2: You’ve been in the same spot at the library for hours. And you need to move onto a new subject or go home, because your brain is so tired that you feel drunk.
Stage 3: It is all becoming a little too much.Stage 4: You have to take a break before your head explodes.  Stage 5: Anxiety sets in.Stage 6: It’s time to get your sh*t together. You start to feel like you’re actually making some progress. Stage 7: Then, your friends tempt you with $4 margarita night when you should be at the library.  Stage 8: You start questioning the meaning of basic words and find yourself in a Wikipedia black holes after you look up a term for class.Stage 9: Panic studying before the exam starts, because you stayed up late binge-watching Shameless instead of studying so many nights leading up to the exam.Stage 10: You strut out of the midterm, and you’re just glad it is over.
Hey, before you know it, it will be Thanksgiving Break, right? Stay strong, Collegiettes. The end is in sight.