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Why Halloween is the Best Holiday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

If you start to see pumpkin flavored everything and flannels being worn by everyone, you know what time it is. Fall is finally here, and what’s the best thing that comes with fall? Halloween! It’s finally the time of the year when the most exciting and creative holiday is upon us, and if you’re not pumped about it then you’re definitely doing Halloween wrong.

First, get ready to feel spooky — because that’s how Halloween should be treated. Think of every classic horror movie you’ve seen. Now channel that energy to create the best experience you can for the best holiday ever. Not a zombies and vampires type of girl? No worries; here are two ways that you can make sure this Halloween is the best one yet.


The Scary Way to Celebrate

Do you understand and appreciate a good scare once in a while? Then this first way is your time to shine. Haunted anything is right down your alley — haunted houses, haunted hayrides, haunted trails… you name it. You definitely have to make sure to attend at least one of these attractions in your area. During Halloween time there is no shortage of haunted activities that will make you scream with fear and create an unforgettable Halloween. As for your costume, make sure to go all out with the fake blood and fangs for optimal scariness. Scary movie marathons will be ten times more exciting if you and your friends dress up as your favorite characters from the movies. Halloween is just around the corner and so are the scares you’ll be making sure to give.


The Not-So-Scary Way to Celebrate

Scary movies and costumes not for you? No need to fear (literally) because Halloween can be way more than just that. Sipping warm apple cider while eating a fall-themed pastry can be just as entertaining as walking in the pitch black through a haunted house. Snuggle up in your favorite oversized sweater and go on a non-scary, relaxing hayride or pick out the biggest pumpkin to carve. Halloween night can also be for carving funny faces into pumpkins while snacking on the seeds from inside. Feeling more like you want to let loose this Halloween? Put on your most creative costume and try your apple cider with a little kick to it. Costume parties are one of the best parts of Halloween, especially when your costume has a good chance of winning the big prize. Don’t forget to think outside the box when considering what to go as — dressing in all black like a cat doesn’t count. Group costumes are even better because when else can you and all your friends go out together in matching costumes and not get weird looks?!


Whether you’re celebrating this holiday season inside a scary haunted house or sipping cocktails at a costume party, Halloween has something for everyone. Fall means two things: pumpkin spiced lattes and Pillsbury pumpkin sugar cookies. And this is enough reason to be pumped to get into the Halloween spirit, even if you aren’t that excited to get your spooky on.


Hannah, originally from Milwaukee, WI is a Campus Correspondent for HC Wisconsin.  Hannah is a Senior and is studying Political Science and Psychology.  She aspires to work in health policy and will run for office one day.  She is never seen without a cup of coffee in hand and loves to eat any food in sight, especially sushi.  Outside of school, Hannah frequents Badger sporting events and likes to hang out with her friends on the weekends finding new things to do and new places to eat.  Hannah also runs her own Mary Kay business and is obsessed with keeping up with the latest makeup trends! This will be her seventh semester on the Her Campus team, and she loves the org more and more each semester!  It is Hannah's favorite thing that she is involved in on campus and highly recommends anyone with an interest in writing, journalism, or blogging to get involved, you won't regret it! On Wisconsin!!