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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

You’d be surprised how being busy can be better for you

After living through a global pandemic and a nationwide lockdown, I think it’s safe to say that we’re all happy to be back to in person classes, work and everyday activities. However, as I experience in person college classes for the first time, I am quickly learning how time-consuming classes and other activities can be. There is always a lecture to attend, a meeting to go to or a study session to pop into. Despite all these activities, I find this year’s busy schedule more fulfilling and enjoyable than when I was sitting around with nothing to do. 


The first thing I enjoy about being busy is how motivating it can be to get my work done. With my current class schedule, I, and many of my friends, frequently only have an hour in between classes. This time restriction is much more motivating because it’s easier to complete homework and readings when I give myself a set time deadline. Many of us procrastinate or push off work, forcing ourselves into a time crunch. But, I’ve found that setting a natural time restraint is less stressful. This also allows for breaks in your work and during the week because you haven’t waited until the last minute to complete an assignment. 

Another benefit of being busy is how much more I appreciate my time with friends and family. When commodifying our time and prioritizing certain tasks, it’s important to remember that the relationships around us are just as, if not more, important than any assignment. When I go out with friends or simply have a relaxing movie night, I am more aware of how much my friends mean to me. They’re not just a default of what to do with my day or how to spend my time. I want to be around these people, and my relationships with them are something that I want to devote time and effort to. 

Lastly, being busy has made me more aware of how grateful I am for certain opportunities and choices. I’m a college student learning about topics I’m interested in, while being surrounded by people I love and am supported by. I am more aware of my choices, which makes me that much more aware of when I need a break from studying or time to be alone. I treat time to relax as a priority along with my studies and friends. 

Being busy can seem overwhelming at first, but now that I know how to prioritize my time, I am glad to be busy. I’m much more appreciative of all I’m able to do this year and who I’m able to be around.

Brooke Wiley

Wisconsin '24

Brooke is a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.