When studying for finals, pulling an all-nighter can seem like a really great idea. Sadly, if you don’t get at least 4-6 hours of sleep it could affect your abilities the next day. The 4 reasons you should sleep during finals are:
1. Sleep Improves Memory
During REM sleep, short-term memory turns into long term. If you never get into a deep enough sleep to enter REM, all of your studying goes to waste.
2. Sleep Improves Your Performance
Not sleeping affects your health, mood, and judgment. The last thing you need is to get sick or make silly mistakes on your exam.
3. Lack of Sleep Leads to Anxiety
If you don’t sleep, you end up feeling more anxious and uncomfortable. This can be very distracting during an exam.
4. For Your Sanity
To remain a functioning human, you need to sleep. Don’t let finals make you crazy!