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5 Ways to Control Hunger

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

So how do you stop yourself from having that fourth plate of food or from grabbing that tempting Snicker’s bar? By losing control over cravings, they become hardwired into our brains and even more difficult to fight off.  It’s key to nip the problem in the bud. Here are five ways to help you stop hunger before it starts.
1. Make it a Protein Morning
The great thing about this essential nutrient is that it keeps you feeling fuller for longer since it takes more time to digest and absorb in comparison to other nutrients. I am sure many of you have heard about this before or know that protein is important for suppressing cravings, but there is more to it. It matters when you eat protein. Studies have shown that consuming sources of lean protein for breakfast such as egg whites, low-fat yogurt, and Canadian bacon ward of hunger longer than when eaten at any other time of the day. It is highly recommended to eat a minimum of once ounce of protein for every morning. 

2. Potato Potawtohh
Unfortunately with today’s anti-carb craze, carbohydrates such as potatoes have been made out to be our dietary enemies. However, starches are crucial to extinguishing tummy growls. Potatoes contain resistant digestive enzymes, making them take longer for the body to break down, thus delaying hunger. Just to clarify, potatoes battered in oil such as fries and chips are still on the bad list. Healthy potato options are a baked potato without all the toppings or vinegar vs. mayo-based potato salad. Plus, your dietary intake should be nearly 50% carbs; so eating potatoes is a healthy way to nourish your body with necessary, complex carbohydrates.

3. Get Sweaty for Me
Hitting the gym and exercising is a win-win situation. Not only are you increasing the calories being burned in your body, but you are also taking in fewer of them. Aerobic exercise is especially good at taming hunger nags because it increases appetite-suppressing hormones, which delay the onset of cravings. The key here is to do high intensity cardio workouts in order to hold off hunger for longer.

4. Toss the Temptation
We are all guilty of giving in to a burning craving at some point whether it’s downing a cartoon of ice cream or having a box of chocolates. When you are face to face with your biggest guilty pleasures, defeat them by throwing them away. You can also hide them or give them away. The easiest way to victory, in this situation, is to avoid giving in. Sometimes, destroying the foods and then tossing them even gives you a sense of empowerment because you won that battle and you have nothing to feel bad about afterwards. If money is an issue, you can either refrain from buying them or choose between having them go into the garbage versus your midsection. The trash sounds better to me.

5. Sweet Dreams
We are most vulnerable to succumbing to our cravings when we are tired. The best way to address this is to focus on the fatigue rather than the cravings by getting some shut-eye. This not only re-energizes you, but it also is a distraction because there’s no way you will be giving into the munchies if you are fast asleep.
Now, you have some useful strategies to combat cravings and leave yourself feeling guilt-free and invincible!

I'm a fashion-obsessed Business major at William and Mary.   I'm currently studying abroad at the London College of Fashion!  I am the President of HC W&M!  I love the ocean, working out, and extreme couponing.  This summer I interned with Marie Claire in NYC-- my dream internship!   Get to know me more on my fashion/style blog, "All Dolled Up"--->  www.dylanmaureen.blogspot.com