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Campus Cutie Daniel Dores, 2016

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.


Name: Daniel Dores

Year: 2016

 Hometown: Maple Shade, New Jersey

What’s your major? “Well I have absolutely no idea what to say here.  I mean there’s a suggestion box outside my door (Spotswood 213) if anyone wants to help a brother out.  (Only suggestion I will not take: women’s studies.  Already an expert.)”

What are you involved in on campus? “I’m on the Standards Board in Sigma Phi Epsilon.  I’m also a Monroe Scholar working on a research project.”

Who is a fictional character you’d love to take to dinner? “Thumbelina.  I feel like she wouldn’t eat much and I could finish her food.”

How do you like your eggs cooked? Scrambled.

Blonde or brunette? Blonde

What is your favorite quality in a girl? “Probably her being as complicated as possible.  You just have to be a mind reader.  It’s not that hard.  She says she’s sad?  A rose and a bagel.  She says she’s “fine?”  Tea and back massage.  She says she’s happy?  Fruit snacks and a jam sesh to some of Billboard’s top forties pop songs.”

Do you have any hidden talents? “Not sure if it’s a talent or a weakness, but I would probably forgive anyone anything. I can’t stand being mad at someone almost as much as I can’t stand someone being mad at me, no matter how well I actually know you. I’m old school for the whole kiss-and-make-up bit, guess that’s the best part of fighting.”

What is your favorite thing about W&M? “The fact that they actually accepted me.  Some schools didn’t exactly do that.  Plus it’s sunny a lot here.  I like wearing sunglasses.”

Harper is a junior at the College of William and Mary, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Marketing. A DC-Area native, she serves as Co-President at Her Campus William and Mary. She spends her summers interning in Marketing. This past summer was spent in New York City working at OppenheimerFunds as a Digital Strategy Intern, and the year before at Gannett working as a Marketing and Promotions Intern in the Social Commerce Division. She hopes to slowly accomplish a few things on her list of ridiculous dreams including hugging a walrus and voicing a named Disney character in a movie.Blog || LinkedIn || Twitter