Major (s): English and Psychology
Campus Activities: Women’s Chorus, Wizards and Muggles, Ballroom Dancing, Campus Kitchen
Favorite Genres: Show tunes, Classic Rock, 90s Boys Bands
Hobbies & Interests: Singing, Reading, Sleeping, Eating (the Essential ings)
Celeb Crush: Johnny Depp
Style: Cute and Casual
Dream Date: Walking through Epcot in Disney World at night, and afterward, looking at the fireworks as a grand finale.
Favorite Campus Site:Sunken Gardens on a Nice Day
Guilty Pleasure:Food (especially pizza)
Describe Yourself in One Word: Unique
Most Memorable Moment here at WM: My roommate made me think I had done something wrong when she happened to have a surprise birthday cake for me on my 18th birthday.
Best Movie Line: “You jump, I jump.” –Titanic
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Be working for a major book publishing company in NYC. Hopefully, with my first child and above all I want to be happy (and get 8 hours of sleep at night)
Book that Changed Your Life: The Harry Potter Series because it was the first chapter book that I read when I was 7 years old, and I grew up with that series.
What you look for in a TWAMP: Good conversation and to judge people on more than just physical appearance.