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A Guide to W&M Intermural Sports

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

When you think of college sports, the words teamwork, competition, and determination come to mind.  College sports and events can be extremely time consuming and difficult to join.  So what’s the solution-  an intramural sports team!  Joining an I.M. team is a great way to make new friends or to spend time with ones you already have.  Not to mention, you’ll get exercise while having fun!  Here are some easy steps you can take to start up your own Intramural team:

1. Go to the William & Mary website:  You will find a schedule for sports like volleyball, flag football, kickball, and other new activities that may interest you.  Just search and Recreational Sports, and you should find it.  If you have any questions, just go to the Recreation Center.

2. Get your friends involved: If you know some friends in your hall or in your classes that are interested in similar activities, don’t be afraid to ask them to join.  You never know who might say yes.

3. Try and have a schedule: Once you have a team, the next step is to set up practice days during the week that are convenient for everyone.  This step isn’t totally necessary, but is recommended for staying active and getting a good sense of the team’s progress before actually playing against other teams.  As they say, practice makes perfect!

4. HAVE FUN: This is the most important step!  You don’t have to have a bunch of experience or really any to join Intramural sports so enjoy it!  Encourage everyone to do their best, but don’t take it too seriously.  In the end, it’s all about getting active and doing something that’s enjoyable during your free time.

These four basic steps are just some ways to help guide you through the Intramural Sports experience.  It’s up to you and your team to determine what kind of experience you will have!  So get in the game today!

I'm a fashion-obsessed Business major at William and Mary.   I'm currently studying abroad at the London College of Fashion!  I am the President of HC W&M!  I love the ocean, working out, and extreme couponing.  This summer I interned with Marie Claire in NYC-- my dream internship!   Get to know me more on my fashion/style blog, "All Dolled Up"--->  www.dylanmaureen.blogspot.com