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Real Campus Celebrities: Rosemary Willis and Laura Traub

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

Between school, pageants, and humanitarian aid work all over the globe, Rosemary and Laura stay busy for the sake of their communities!

Names and titles:
Rosemary Willis- Miss Roanoke Valley
Laura Traub- Miss Susquehanna Valley 


Rosemary- Government with a minor in kinesiology
Laura- Neuroscience with a minor in biochemistry  

Rosemary- Chesapeake, Va.
Laura- Camp Hill, Pa.

Relationship status: 
Rosemary- Newly Taken
Laura- Taken 

On campus extra-curricular activities:
Rosemary- The Accidentals A cappella group, Fitness Instructor at W&M Rec, Tribe Fellowship, Baptist Collegiate Ministries, and Campus Kitchens
Laura- BCM, Tribe Fellowship, Tour Guide, Music Library, and Tribe Ambassador

What are some of your major humanitarian projects?
Rosemary- Three summers in high school, I went to Ukraine to work in Orphanages. Since then, I have done AIDS education in Africa and NY, sports camps in Costa Rica, Kentucky, and around Virginia, and have helped with Hurricane Katrina relief in Mississippi. Most recently, this past January and last May I had the opportunity to travel to Haiti to assist in the Earthquake recovery. I’m so excited to be spending time in Panama this summer to lay the ground work for future college trips.
Laura- I also started getting interested in humanitarian work in high school. I initially began helping at a private school for autistic children which became the inspiration for my pageant platform, Autism Awareness: Piecing Together the Puzzle. After high school, I taught English in the Dominican Republic and aided in the construction of an orphanage in Haiti. On the home front, I enjoy teaching Bible studies at my church and helping to organize Vacation Bible School over the summer.

How did you get involved in pageants?
Rosemary- I grew up admiring Miss Chesapeake after seeing her at events and hearing her speak around my city. My freshman year of college, I decided to try to represent my home-town and received first runner-up in the Miss Chesapeake pageant. However, when the winner quit, I was offered the title and got to compete in Miss Virginia in her place. The following year, I came back more determined and won a local title for myself.
Laura- As many young girls, I grew up watching pageants. I was inspired by not only the beauty of these women, but the poise, dignity, passion, talent, and intelligence they exuded. I looked into pageants a few times but was never motivated enough to do the work it takes to prepare for competition. Finally, I decided there was no other option last year – I was going to compete. In my first pageant, I was the first runner up – and by my third pageant I won the crown!

 How do you respond to people who say pageants are only about looks?
Rosemary- All of the girls I have met while competing truly have a heart for community service. The pageant is about more than a crown and sash; it’s about the mind and the heart behind them. Being a title holder can open many doors to promoting one’s platform and increasing poise and interview skills. The Miss America Organization is the largest scholarship provider for women in the world and promotes strong, caring, opinionated, educated, and talented women, proving that these women are beautiful on the inside and out. Beauty is as beauty does.
Laura- That is a very common stereotype that is not at all true. Each girl has a platform that she advocates as well as a strong connection with the Children’s Miracle Network. Some girls who compete only have the looks, but they generally don’t win. Looks can only get you so far. It’s about beauty AND brains!

What is your pageant platform?
Rosemary- My platform is called “Get Moving Today for a Healthier Tomorrow”, promoting physical activity and wellness. It starts by being an example in my own life and encouraging those around me to meet their fitness goals. As a fitness instructor and personal trainer for a local childhood obesity program and at a senior retirement facility, I have been inspired by the way exercise changes lives and brings people of all types together. I aim to dispel the common perception of exercise simply being a means to a skinny body, and educate people about becoming emotionally, mentally, and physically strong and healthy.
Laura- My platform is Autism Awareness: Piecing Together the Pieces of the Puzzle. I advocate for a better education and understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorders. With the prevalence rate continually on the rise, more and more lives are affected by ASDs. I believe that there are a lot of misunderstandings out there regarding Autism and that with the proper knowledge this disorder will be less mysterious and stigmatized by the general public. I have raised money for the Autism Society of Greater Harrisburg as well as visited private schools for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

I'm a fashion-obsessed Business major at William and Mary.   I'm currently studying abroad at the London College of Fashion!  I am the President of HC W&M!  I love the ocean, working out, and extreme couponing.  This summer I interned with Marie Claire in NYC-- my dream internship!   Get to know me more on my fashion/style blog, "All Dolled Up"--->  www.dylanmaureen.blogspot.com