This time of the year is when we give thanks for what we have in our lives. The William and Mary campus is filled with a great number of students who come together to help each other, offer support, and make this campus a loving community. Whether it be something small that affects our lives, our family and friends ,or even the institution that makes our education possible, we are all thankful in some way.
*Disclaimer: These answers are taken from a survey of William & Mary students who share different opinions. Their views do not reflect those of Her Campus at William and Mary. *
W&M is Thankful for…
“My friends, family and everyone who makes me smile after a night filled with coffee and cramming.”
-Anonymous, Class of 2018
“The opportunity to receive education at one of the best universities in the world and the opportunity capitalism gives us to succeed in life no matter race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.”
-David Hibbitts Jr., Class of 2020
“My friends and their support”
-Caroline, Class of 2020
“I’m thankful for my parents, who do so much to give me opportunities like attending W&M and studying abroad next semester. They give me the freedom (and funds) to do so much that they never did themselves, and I am so grateful for those opportunities.”
-Anonymous, Class of 2018
“I am so thankful for my parents. After being away at college, I am truly grateful for all they have done for me.”
-Allison, Class of 2020
“The people I’ve met here that I now consider my family.”
-Anonymous, Class of 2020
“The deep, loving bond I share with chocolate. Oh, and my family.”
-Lizzie P., Class of 2019
“My family, my friends, the wonderful community of W&M, and for everything I have.”
-Anonymous, Class of 2017
“Dana Florczak.”
-Anonymous, Class of 2017
“I am thankful for a wonderful campus full of caring people, great friends, amazing experiences that college has afforded me, and my lovely family. Â Also, this survey existing!”
-Megan Rouch, Class of 2019
“I am so thankful for the supportive community that I have found here at the College. Between my Alpha Chi sorority sisters and my friends at the BCM, I know that I always have people to depend on.”
-Vanessa Adkins, Class of 2019
“Knowing who I am, a healthy and loving relationship, supportive friends, adventures, and Aroma’s java chip hot chocolate.”
-Brittany Acors, Class of 2018
“My mole is benign!”
-Anonymous, Class of 2017
“I am thankful for my fellow members of 16(IX)3, who have helped me to build an organization that works hard to better our community, a culture of mutual respect, and a group of friends that I love dearly.”
-Abbey Childs, Class of 2017
“What I am thankful is that I was admitted to William and Mary last year and that I am able to attend this school. I am thankful for my amazing sorority where I have met some of my best friends and have phenomenal women to look up to. I am grateful for the professors that I have who genuinely care about me. And I am thankful for the unique and incredible community at W&M who has accepted me for who I am.”
-Anna, Class of 2020
“My teammates and my coach, who have made the college transition so much easier!”
-Julia Wood, Class of 2020
-Anonymous, Class of 2020
“Songs that match your walking pace.”
-Sarah Miner, Class of 2019
“Curves of all kinds.”
-Sarah Miner, Class of 2019
“My Education.”
-Anonymous, Class of 2017
“My best friend!! She is in the Navy and I haven’t seen her in about a year and a half, but she’s finally visiting home in late December!! So thankful for her friendship and that she is doing well :)”
-June, Class of 2019
“I am thankful for my family and friends. But I am also thankful for my Tribe Family, because without them, this college wouldn’t be the caring, safe, kind environment that it is.”
-Anonymous, Class of 2019
“I’m so thankful for the wonderful people that I have met in my time here at the College! They’ve made this my new home, and they’ve become my new family <3"
-Anonymous, Class of 2019
“I am thankful that Donald Trump was able to win the presidential election.”
-Anonymous, Class of 2018
“Obama & Biden memes.”
-Anonymous, Class of 2017
“I am thankful that Donald Trump gives me a voice when I can’t speak out on campus.”
-Anonymous, Class of 2018