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The 13th Zodiac Sign?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WMU chapter.

When unfortunate events meet our pathways, we often blame the stars. Checking horoscopes online brings a way to justify our every move. “Everything happens for a reason” seems to be everyone’s favorite quote to live by, but you cannot blame destiny for a car accident, running into your ex, or missing an appointment. Yet, after reading your online horoscope, you usually scream, “W.T.F! That is exactly how I feel and my best friend is totally trying to steal Todd from me! I knew it.” In the midst of chaos, the universe graces us with a new zodiac sign: Ophiuchus, the serpent bearer. Now, everything changes. 
The lucky ones born between November 29th and December 17th hold the Ophiuchus sign. Formerly, these birthdays fall into the Sagittarius sign. I share a birthday with Walt Disney on December 5th, so I explored my “new” zodiac sign obsessively. Ophiuchuses possess many superior and odd traits. They are often envied by others, strive off of wisdom and knowledge, and are favored by authority figures. Also, their style is flamboyant or brightly colored, the number 12 is their lucky number, and they will have a big family, but will leave home at an early age. Some sources even suggest that an Ophiuchus is likely to become famous after death and would make a great architect or builder. Actually, the Ophiuchus sign seems to state no negative traits.  
Because of the Ophiuchus sign appearance, the other astrological signs are affected. Many believe that only if you were born after the year 2009, then this new astrological point of view applies. However, several sources argue this idea. In January of 2011, Parke Kunkle, Astronomer, informed N.B.C. News about the Earth’s alignment change in the last 3,000 years: This is not something that happened today. This has gone on for thousands of years … Because of this change of tilt, the Earth is really over here in effect and Sun is in a different constellation than it was 3,000 years ago. In other words, the zodiac sign you claimed your whole life has been false.  

There are Sidereal zodiac signs and Tropical zodiac signs. The Sidereal zodiac is associated with the constellations while the Tropical zodiac uses mathematical calculations to indicate the location of the Sun during birthday. The Western Hemisphere typically follows the Tropical zodiac. The following chart answers your undying questions.

I cannot view a horoscope for Ophiuchus because several websites, such as daily horoscope.com and astrology.com, reject the existence of Ophiuchus as more than just a constellation. The original zodiac signs remain and will continue as static. Another astronomer, Rick Levine, states, “Ophiuchus is not an astrology issue. It has to do with the stars. It’s not a sign, just a constellation. There are four seasons each with a beginning, middle and end. That makes 12 zodiac signs, and there’s no such thing as a 13th astrological sign.”
Hopefully by now, the world knows that the media sometimes lies to the public for a good churn in our predictable lives and to potentially generate a larger audience. To some, astrology holds the key to the ways in which people operate. On the contrary, astrology really just entertains. With the Earth’s exceeding population of six billion people, 12 (or 13) categories simply cannot cover all of our personalities or foreshadow the future. Every day is a new slate of paper, and you are in control of the events you encounter. You got in that car accident because you forgot to turn on your blinker. You ran into your ex because you both happen to like Starbucks coffee. You did not attend your appointment because you slept in. Instead of searching the sky for answers, endure William Shakespeare’s famous quote: It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.

Dina Khalil is double majoring in Public Relations, and English with a Creative Writing Emphasis. She began writing for Her Campus WMU in January 2011. During the fall of 2011, Khalil will become the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus WMU. Khalil is a Sigma Tau Delta member, and enjoys writing poetry, exercising, playing video games, traveling, and keeping in touch with family/friends.