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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WMU chapter.

Everyone gets it: stress during finals. Did you study enough? Did you sleep enough? Did you turn everything in? Are you eating? But I’m here to tell you how to give yourself a break during finals week.


1) Take study breaks.

If you’re studying for multiple hours, make sure to take breaks. Your brain needs a few minutes without cramming information in, and you need a few minutes to indulge on social media, or maybe even an episode of Netflix.

2) Get enough sleep.

If you’re not sleeping enough prior to finals week, then you won’t sleep enough during finals week. During a big exam you need to be well rested, because that’s when you’re at your best, and whatever you do do not pull an allnighter the day of the test.

3) Start studying now and not the week of finals.

If you are usually a last minute studier, that’s okay, but during finals you should start studying before hand, since the exam is such a large part of the grade in most cases. Studying before means no cramming the week of, so there’s less stress.

4) Study somewhere else.

Take your friends to iHop, a coffee shop, or even just a different part of where you usually go. The library is always crazy busy, and it’s not necessarily the best place to study for you. Try somewhere new, and it’ll feel less like studying because you’re somewhere new.

5) Eat healthy foods.

During finals week the last thing anyone wants to do is eat healthy, but eating all the unhealthy ‘study snacks’ aren’t going to make you feel better. Most unhealthy foods will make you bloated or tired, which are two things you don’t want to feel during finals week.


Make sure you take care of yourself this finals week. Your grades will thank you.

I'm studying English and Art at Western Michigan University. I aspire to be an author. I want to move to Australia after college. I love reading, writing, and working out. My favorite artists include Eminem, Red Hot Chili Peppers. Highly Suspect, Modern Baseball, and The Front Bottoms. I currently waitress, but I'm hoping to get an internship next summer for editing. I'm from Paw Paw, a small town about half way between Kalamazoo and South Haven. My favorite season is summer, because that's when my birthday is. 
Johanna is the campus correspondent for the WMU chapter and a senior at Western Michigan University. She is studying journalism and political science. She hopes to spend her life writing and influencing the world around her with her words. A member of the Western Michigan University Marching Band, Johanna has been in love with music for as long as she can remember and tries to balance out her busy life between writing and playing music.