New friends, a totally new environment, constant parties — while college is a true blast, everyone goes through hard times, whether it is stress from all your classes, homework piling up, you can’t find a job, you miss your family or boyfriend or friends back home, or you’ve recently discovered you gained those extra fifteen pounds. It’s cold and wet all the time, and there’s nothing to do besides eat and focus on all your negative feelings. Whatever the reason for it, there is a way to get out of this funk I like to call “Wallowing Winter Time,” which is fast approaching us. Don’t fret! With some simple actions you can once again feel energized and happy, and push past those wallowing thoughts you have.
Yes, I know it gets unbearably cold out, especially here in Kalamazoo, but instead of wearing baggy hoodies and sweatpants and tossing your hair up every day, dress up! I’m not saying you need to dress up every single day, but on a Saturday night treat yourself to some girl time! Do your hair, put on actual make-up, and wear an outfit that doesn’t have elastic in the waistband. A long, hot shower and some blasting pump-up music, and you’ll be ready to go! Go enjoy yourself, forget about your problems for a few hours, and go out with your friends. It will be cold, but you will definitely feel hot!
 So you didn’t read my other article, and you gained the freshman fifteen. It’s not the end of the world. With it being so cold and gross outside, taking the bus is just easier and probably safer. There’s nothing to do on the weekends, so you stay in and eat cookies and watch sappy movies. But instead of sitting around feeling sorry for yourself all the time, get involved with something! Personally, going to the gym is a great stress reliever. You get all the anxiety and tension worked off and you feel great about yourself afterwards. Not to mention you’ll sleep so much better at night. Being involved in a club or activity is great too. It gives you a reason to get going and do something instead of being stuck in a tiny dorm room all day!
Laugh! This, I am convinced, is a true cure for any kind of mood you may be in. Find your friends and laugh about what’s been going on. Maybe watching your favorite comedy does the trick, whatever it takes you to get laughing. After building up so much worry, it’s like popping an over-inflated balloon. The stress just flies out of you! You may think I’m kidding, but after a good laugh, you’ll feel a ton better and it improves your day.
Lastly, steer clear of caffeine. You may be thinking that’s literally impossible to do. We are college students. We live on no sleep and Red Bull. But trust me; caffeine is the most addictive drug in the world. It is also shown to put you in worse moods and slow down your metabolism, making gaining weight a lot easier. After not drinking your coffee in the morning or Mountain Dew at lunch, you may start to feel cranky or irritable, and even develop headaches. Don’t rely on caffeine to pull you through your day. Having a pop or cup of coffee in the morning isn’t horrible, but don’t get too dependent on this drug. It won’t pull you out of your bad mood; it could actually end up making it worse. Water is always best; it hydrates you and keeps you going throughout these dreary winter days.
So instead of dreading this winter to come, think positive! Just because it’s not shorts and flip-flops weather anymore doesn’t mean we have to hole up in our dorms for the winter. We’re not bears, people. Put on a hat, pour yourself a cup of hot chocolate, and enjoy the season!
Editor: Noel Carlson