We all think it. “I’m in college now! I’m sticking to grown-up men, no more immature boys for me!” Let’s be real though, the only thing different about these guys is that they drink beer. So while you may think you’re getting lucky, double-check this list and make sure you’re actually finding Mr. Right, and not Mr. Wrong, or worse still, Mr. Wrong-for-Everyone.
One common trick among these “mature college men” is the friend card. They think if they can get to know you, it will be that much easier to hook up with you because you’re comfortable with them. Don’t fall for this! Of course it’s always great to have a good male friend, but make sure he’s actually being a friend and not crossing the line with flirty text messages or subtle moves like holding your hand or staring into your eyes for just a bit too long.
Then you have to deal with the “I bought you dinner, you give me dessert” guys, the guys who don’t stare at your eyes (if you know what I mean). They may seem charming at first, very compassionate and touchy, but soon that touch turns into a grope and that’s when you figure out he doesn’t really think with his brain but with his…well, you know. These are normally the guys at the same party every night, getting drunk and hitting on anything that will move. Although guy attention is nice, make sure it’s for the right reasons! If he hits on you and then hits on your friends two minutes later, he’s probably not looking for a serious relationship.
There are also the boys who are “damaged” from a previous relationship. He’s so sensitive and reserved, so different from the meat-head guys at all the parties. He’s not. There’s a difference with being heart-broken just a short while ago, and heart-broken four years ago. Any man that’s just had his heart broken isn’t at a party hitting on chicks; this is more likely a man with his pride broken. Any guy can tell a sad story to get you to trust him, confide in him; but don’t let him trick you into thinking he needs you to finally move on (insert tear and sappy music here).
Speaking of needy, that’s probably the worst quality a guy can have. It’s always such a great feeling, finding a boyfriend, especially if it’s been a while! He’s the perfect guy–cute, understanding, loyal, honest–but if he attaches himself to your hip, then it can become an issue. A text every now and then is great; date nights, study sessions and compliments are always a good thing. But when he texts you every minute asking what you’re doing, where you are, who you’re with, it gets a little annoying. If he shows up unannounced every day and tells you things like, “You’re the one” when you’ve been dating for a few weeks, he’s the guy we call “needy.” While he’s a great guy, let him know you need some space; otherwise toss this kid and find someone you can be with that doesn’t have radar on you!
Now, you may think there are no guys left with so many being creepy, touchy, or needy. This is not true! For every weird guy out there, there’s a decent guy looking for the same thing you are. Keep looking for Mr. Right; you just have to learn to avoid all the Mr. Wrongs out there. Even if you feel like you’ll never find anyone, don’t settle. I assure you, you’ll find the right guy, just in time!