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How to Get Closer to Your Significant Other

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WMU chapter.

Girls, have you ever been in a spot in your relationship where you wish you and your boyfriend were closer than you are, and you wish you had a bond like you were best friends? Well, here are some tips in order to achieve that:

1.     Go to your boyfriend when you have a problem. Most girls think that their boyfriend doesn’t want to hear about their problems, so they go to their girlfriends for advice. The truth is, he does want to know what’s going on and would love to feel like you can open up to him about things. It will make him feel like you need him and as a result, he will learn to depend on you as well for things like advice, ultimately bringing you two closer together.

2.     Try something new together. This means something that neither of you have ever done. The experience will be new and exciting and you will share it together. Whether it is something simple like a new restaurant or something completely outrageous, like skydiving, try it! It will give you something to look forward to and something to talk about after.

3.     Ease up on constantly asking him what he’s thinking, if you are one of those girls. Guys want to know you care, but they don’t like the constant nagging. If you simply let him know you are there for him whenever he needs you, he will eventually take you up on that. If something is bothering him and he obviously doesn’t want to talk about it, go about your day and don’t nag him. You don’t need to constantly drill him with questions simply because you are curious. If he feels like opening up, he will. When he finally does come to you about stuff, it will make you feel appreciated and make you feel a lot closer to him than before.

4.     If you have a problem with each other, just lay it out there. But do it in a way where the other person doesn’t feel cornered or uncomfortable. If you let a problem go for too long, it will turn into something much larger. But saying what’s on your mind, in a nice way of course, is always best when it comes to relationships.

5.     Stay in for a night occasionally. Sure, couples love to have nights out and go do fun things with each other and with their friends. But every once in a while, stay in and just enjoy each other’s company. Pop some popcorn, throw in a movie and cuddle on the couch. It will give you a chance to just be with each other and simply having the closeness will bring a sense of security to the relationship.

6.     Compliments are a huge thing. Sending a compliment their way every once in a while will make them feel like you really notice them, whether it’s the way they look or something they do. And hey, if you throw a compliment their way, they will probably throw one your way, making you feel good as well!

7.     Letting go of your past is a really good way to get closer to the person you are with now. We all have had those relationships that didn’t go well. But if you must talk about it, talk about it with your friends, not the person you are seeing. You don’t want to make them feel like you are still hung up on an ex. They will feel like you are comparing them and that they aren’t as good as your last. By simply not talking about it, unless they ask, it keeps their mind from wandering and keeps them from feeling insecure in a relationship with you.

8.     Find common ground with each other. A relationship is hard to stay in if it feels like you guys have nothing in common. But even finding something simple, like having the same taste in music, will make you feel closer. And most likely, if you find one thing in common, there will be more.

By simply trying even just one or two of these, you can get closer to the person you are with and make the relationship that much better. If it’s possible to have “best friend status” with your boyfriend, then why not make it happen, right?



Katie King is a senior at Western Michigan University majoring in journalism and minoring in anthropology and gender and women's studies. This will be her second year writing for HerCampus and before that she wrote for the Western Herald. She also wrote for L7 women's magazine in the summer of 2012. In her spare time Katie likes to hang out with friends, watch reruns of old shows and talk about why Chicago is better than Michigan. When she graduates she hopes to move to New York with her tabby cat, Ellie and write for a fashion magazine. However, she changes her mind quite often so who knows where she will end up!