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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WMU chapter.


I will be the first to admit that I may be addicted to Instagram. I without a doubt I check my timeline every day, usually multiple times a day. In my defense, I think it’s because I love pictures so much.

I know I am not the only one who has a little bit of an obsession with Instagram. It’s a great social network to share pictures and an even better social network to allow your friends to know a little more about you. There is still a part of me that is convinced it was made for nosy people who live vicariously through their followers.

Regardless of its intentions, I have grown to love Instagram. Since I’m on it all the time, I have a pretty good understanding of what is appropriate and what is not, what is funny and what is dumb, and what it looks like to cross the line. So, to spare you guys from wanting to commit instacide, here are some Instagram Do’s and Don’ts.


DO be social and like the pictures that catch your eye.

DON’T like every picture you see or like every picture of one follower.

If you find yourself looking at a picture that you like or think is dope, then like it! Wouldn’t you want your followers to do the same? BUT! Don’t overdo it and become an instagroupie.


DO take pictures that are interesting.

DON’T try too hard.

The more unique the pictures you post are, the more likes you can get. But, if you try to make a picture more than it is, it will have the opposite effect!


DO switch it up and post pictures of things other than yourself.

DON’T stop focusing on pictures of yourself and start posting what you eat all of the time.

Truth is, if you take too many pictures of yourself then you start to look conceited. If you take too many pictures of the food you eat, then your followers will start to get annoyed. Switch it up once in a while; too much of anything is usually never good.


DO participate in Throwback Thursday (#TBT) with ONE or TWO old school pictures.

DON’T start posting every picture from your high school prom in honor of TBT.

Reminiscing about the past can be fun as you revisit pictures from earlier years, but be selective of the pictures you post for the throwback. Too many TBTs can also annoy your followers.


DO smile once in a while!

DON’T only take pictures using the “duck” face.

I can’t say don’t ever use the duck face when taking a picture because then I would be a hypocrite! I’ll confess to using the duck face sometimes but it shouldn’t overpower your Instagram. Almost every guy I have asked says the duck face is unattractive and weird. Besides, everyone likes seeing a smile anyway!


DO use Instagram to post PICTURES.

DON’T use Instagram to post tweets.

I’ll never understand the point of “tweegrams” because most people use them to vent on Instagram. If you want to say something or make a point, use Twitter! Twitter was made for words, Instagram was made for pictures. Quotes are understandable, but using Instagram to complain about your friend getting on your nerves is just too much.


DO use hash tags!

DON’T abuse the power of hash tags.

Hash tags can help people that aren’t your followers find your pictures which can increase your likes. They also allow people to find their relevance to the picture. However, using hash tags that have nothing to do with your picture will make you look silly.


DO borrow pictures that other people post if you like them or agree with them.

DON’T forget to write “#regram” if it wasn’t your original picture.

Since Instagram is a social network, it makes sense to borrow pictures that you see and like. But, make sure to acknowledge the fact that you did get the picture from someone else. It’s a matter of respect!


DO be considerate of your followers by limiting your picture count per day.

DON’T post twenty pictures of your night in five minutes.

You should try to limit the number of pictures you post in a day from about one to five. No one likes their timeline flooded with pictures of ONE follower. That kind of behavior will get you un-followed!


DO be selective of any of the pictures you post!

DON’T post any pictures that you would regret seeing years from now.

This is probably the most important rule of Instagram. You must be careful about the pictures you decide to post because once they are on Instagram, they are out there for anyone to see. Sure, privacy settings can help, but that picture can go anywhere once your followers can see it. Choose appropriate pictures that aren’t too revealing; you don’t want your followers to know everything about you.


Instagram can be a great social network, but it is important to use it wisely just as it is with any other social network. Instagram is meant to be fun and social, so make sure to use it but not abuse it!

Katie King is a senior at Western Michigan University majoring in journalism and minoring in anthropology and gender and women's studies. This will be her second year writing for HerCampus and before that she wrote for the Western Herald. She also wrote for L7 women's magazine in the summer of 2012. In her spare time Katie likes to hang out with friends, watch reruns of old shows and talk about why Chicago is better than Michigan. When she graduates she hopes to move to New York with her tabby cat, Ellie and write for a fashion magazine. However, she changes her mind quite often so who knows where she will end up!