I’ve known I’ve wanted to go to Japan since I was about twelve years old. That was ten years ago, and now, I’m here! My name is Colleen Flanagan, and I’m currently studying abroad at the Daito Bunka University, located in Saitama, Japan. I’ve been here since September, 2011, and will be here until roughly August, 2012. I’m currently studying the Japanese language, with whatever forays I can make into Japanese culture.
My true relationship with Japan actually began when I was about six years old, when I started watching Japanese anime, Sailor Moon to be precise. But when I was twelve, I discovered the language and decided that I simply had to go to the Land of the Rising Sun. My love of Japanese anime had matured into an interest in Japanese language, culture, religion, etc. Anime simply opened the door, so to speak.
I’ve been asked to write about my experiences here, and I’m more than happy to do so! I hope to provide a little insight to studying abroad (well, really just studying abroad in Japan) or to at least be a silly, interesting little column in your weekly paper. (So tell me, how is the weather in Michigan? It was a nice, balmy, 52 degrees today!)
Editor: Katelyn Kivel