Major: Management
Year: Junior
Hometown: South Bend, IN
Relationship status: Single
Interests: Sports, music, and really anything outdoors
Involvement at WMU: WMU baseball team
What is something someone would be surprised to know about you?: That I really enjoy cooking in my spare time.
What is one thing on your Christmas list? A new TV.
What type of girl do you normally go for? I like a girl that is outgoing, smart, and likes to joke around. It is always a plus to if she happens to be tall.
What is your favorite pick-up line? I don’t think I have ever used one, but one of the funnier ones I think I have heard used was “My name isn’t Elmo, but you can tickle me any time you want to”.
What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done? I really can’t think of anything too crazy that I have done. I have managed to live on the safe side I guess.
Favorite WMU memory? I would have to say the Central/Western weekend my sophomore year; that whole weekend was a great time.