It’s finally starting to kick in—the stress creeping up on us all, just like the weather. The exciting buzz from being a new college student is wearing off, your classes aren’t as easy as you thought, your roommate is bugging you, and your money is mysteriously draining from your bank account. It seems like one thing just piles on top of another, and you’re freaking out! De-stressing is always important, so here are some great ways of relaxing a little, even if it’s only for a short time.
Sometimes the stress just becomes too much to bear, and trying to fix everything at once can be too much and won’t get you anywhere. So, take a breath and try to relax. A great thing to do when you’re feeling stressed is talk to someone. Call your best friend from home or your mom–someone you can talk to and forget about all your stressful issues, even if it’s just for a few minutes. There’s nothing better than catching up with someone and having a good laugh. It will make you feel so much better, and it’s guaranteed to relieve some stress!
Another thing that can greatly reduce your stress level is sleep. Teenagers and adults should get 7-9 hours of sleep a night. And let’s be real; college kids aren’t exactly on a strict sleeping schedule. Being sleep-deprived can impair your ability to focus, which can make your stressful situations even worse. Not getting enough sleep can lead to diabetes, weight gain (or loss), and even effects on your growth or brain! Try to make it a habit of going to bed at a reasonable time every night. If during your day you have a little time to spare, set an alarm and get in a quick power nap. It will really refresh you so you’re able to focus on your tasks at hand and get everything done without worrying so much!
Instead of pigging out on food when you’re upset, try doing the opposite: hit up the gym! Many people lean on food when they’re stressing out or staying up late. All that is doing is adding empty calories to your diet and making you feel worse about yourself. Get up and go work out all your stress. Whether it’s running with your iPod blasting your favorite tunes, yoga, Zumba, or even just a quick ten minute ab workout, it’s almost like your stress is sweating off your body, and afterward you’ll feel great about yourself. Your mind will be so much clearer, and there’s no better feeling than the burn after a workout!
People cope with their stress in all kinds of ways, like cleaning, crying, watching a good movie, or reading a book. Whatever your stress reliever may be, just remember to give yourself a break every once in a while. Times do get difficult, but remember that there’s always room for you to clear your mind and get some “you time” in.
Editor: Noel Carlson