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10 Things You Didn’t Know Before Freshman Year At WPUNJ

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

1. What it’s like to have your own personal choir outside of your window… at 1am.  And no, they don’t take requests.

2. Renting a book sounds like a good idea… until it turns invisible halfway through the semester. (And late fees are how much?)

3. Somehow even though you woke up at 6:30 for high school, 8am classes seem unbearable.

4. When it’s 70 degrees outside, that means it’s 88 degrees inside.

5. Somehow 400 Pioneer is actually equivalent to $100… or so it would seem.

6.  How awesome it is to live in ghost town from Friday to Sunday.

7. “Free food” = no food after five minutes at an event.

8. How awesome the dining hall food is!

9. … Except for the cookies; they’re on another level.

10. How often you forget the real world doesn’t take Pioneer… even though they really should.



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Ana Valentin is a freshman at William Paterson with a wrong major in Environmental Science but will be transferring in the spring to Elementary Special Education and English Creative Writing, She has a burning love for all things glitter, beautiful, and fashionable. You'll probably find her in the student cafe sucking down a machiatto. If you do, feel free to say hello. She likes those too.
 Di Onne Agnew "chic, comfy, and stylish"