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The 13 Everyday Struggles Of Being a Female Sports Fan

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

The land of female sports fans is not exactly what one would call “populous.”  Whether its baseball, football, hockey or any other sport, there is one thing we all have in common.  Our favorite team holds a place in our hearts that could never be replaced with anything else.  We all love the adrenaline that runs through our veins when we walk through the arena or stadium.  We appreciate the hardwork these athletes put in every single day to make us happy.  We love our teams and we make sure everyone around us knows it.  Though the rush of being so invested in sports and feeling like you are part of something bigger than yourself is indescribable, there are constant struggles we run into everyday.


1.Your friends call you crazy

I like to call it dedication or even passion.  My friends call it “obsessed” or in need of an intervention.  So what if I own enough jerseys to supply my whole floor with? What’s wrong with having your favorite athlete or your team’s logo on both your lock and home screen? 



2. You’re accused of solely watching sports to impress a guy. 

If this is at all accurate I think I would have given up the act by now.  If anything my over whelming fanaticism may drive them away. 




3. When people try to explain what is going on to you.

Yes I know how to calculate a batting percentage and I don’t mix up an Umpire and a referee.  Just because I wear a bra doesn’t mean I can’t distinguish the difference between a running back and a quarterback.  Now just grab me a beer and pipe down because the game is on!



4. Decorating your Room

You and your roommate are planning a cute chic theme for your new room to start off the semester.  Too bad the new flag with your team logo you bought does not match the theme what so ever.  It’s always obvious which side of the room is yours.  Just stick that poster of Eric Decker on the wall next to Audrey Hepburn. It’s ok!




5. When you can’t watch a game because no one else watches sports

Your roommates’ favorite show just happens to be on the same time the Yankees and Red Sox play on ESPN and you want to take advantage of the fact that you can ACTUALLY catch a game since your campus doesn’t get YES NETWORK. But of course you’re not going to make them sit through what they think is a snoozefest.  So you make the ultimate sacrifice and illegal stream the game once again.




6. Then when you actually do get to watch a game you get overly excited and remember you’re surrounded by people who couldn’t care less

Okay I’ll try to keep my thoughts to myself.




7. No, I do not watch sports because the players are cute!

I am a FEMALE! It is inevitable that I am going to be attracted to the players.  Their good looks are just a bonus!  Just because I think Mike Trout is God’s gift to the planet doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the importance of a perfectly executed double play.





8. But when that player you think is really cute does something good you feel like a proud girlfriend

We’re dating.  He just doesn’t know it yet.



9.Trying to find people to come to games with you

The female sports fan population is not very large so you literally have to search near and far to find someone to bring to any sporting event because who wants to go




10. Game 7 is a perfectly good excuse to not go out

or any important game for that matter.  Whether it’s the last game of your favorite player or they’re fighting for a spot in the play offs, if you go out and miss that game you know you will absolutely regret it for the rest of your life.  Call me dramatic all you want.




11. Not being able to even afford going to games

Living at college, paying for food, textbooks and basically existence has taken a toll on your bank account as it is so unless you can befriend someone who has season tickets, you’re cheering on your team through a screen.




12. Being One of The Guys but not being taken seriously

Your guy friends love that they have another person to enjoy the games with, but you feel completely ignored when you have any insight or comment on a play.  But you watch with them anyway.





13. Then you finally meet another girl who is actually just as crazy as you.

These kind of people come in to your life for a reason.  We all really do have that one girl that we bond over our favorite team with.  You finally realize, “Maybe I’m not alone!”



And ladies, no worries.  Aside from all these obstacles of everyday life, the only thing that matters to is our team and the love we have for it.  We know we aren’t nuts or crazy. We are just one of a kind and we are the best!





Alexis hails from Bergen County, New Jersey and is a junior at William Paterson University. To her friends she's known as Alexis or Lex. She studies Media Production and Graphic design and plans to study marketing or sports management. She also works for WPU Recreational Services as a Fitness Center attendant and videographer. Alexis is a sports junkie, especially for the New York Yankees. She also loves film, television, social media, and playing sports. Her dream one day is to work in the sports media industry whether it is behind the scenes or being the next Erin Andrews! Her favorite shows are Friends and Friday Night LIghts, her favorite movies are The Dark Knight trilogy and Back To The Future. She enjoys all music from Rap to Country. She can mostly be found either studying in Hobart Hall or working out in the Rec Center.
 Di Onne Agnew "chic, comfy, and stylish"