A tough pill to swallow is accepting your downfalls. It’s one of those few factors that can be difficult to understand at first glance but eventually you realize that you need to. One example, is not understanding a subject in class or not scoring the highest test. At first you will feel sad or frustrated but don’t let that intimidate you because there is always a next time.
Another example is applying to jobs and internships. As a undergraduate or graduate student you want to get that dream job or internship and of course everyone will be given the “we will not be moving forward with your application.” Which can be saddening at first but remember that there will be that one company or employer who will give you that chance to show your skills.
We are told several times that failing is something negative but when you turn it around, it’s a new learning opportunity on how to better yourself, academics, or personal life. If we don’t fall then how will we learn to improve. If we’re not given the ups and downs of life than life will be too easy and will make us stop trying. Accepting our downfalls is important for each individual but as I said before it’s a difficult pill to swallow but remember that in each downfall, there are newer and better opportunities that await you!