As the holidays come so does the dreaded end of the semester final exams! You may have papers to write, exams to take, or be completely broke, but no matter what you’ll definitely need to take a break and hang out with your friends. Instead of spending the rest of your savings at the bar try some of these cheap and easy cocktails for those 21 and over. Remember, drink responsibly. For those under the age of 21, don’t worry we’ve got some fun cocktails just for you!Â
Alcoholic Recipes
- Crantini
I’m sure you’ve all heard of and tried a similar version of this before, but it’s truly a cheap drink with only two ingredients. If this is too “basic” for you, you can spice it up with adding some lime juice or even fresh cranberries as a garnish. Either way, it’ll be a crowd pleaser!Â
3 1/2 ounces vodka (any cheap one will do)
1/2 ounce cranberry liqueur or any cranberry juice
   2. Highball
If you just need a break from studying and have a night out, but don’t want to break the bank, you should order this. It’s simple and cheap, especially if you’re having a get together with friends!Â
2 ounces whiskey
Ginger ale
You can mix it up by also adding any juice to sweeten it up!
To get more recipes like this click here.Â
    3. The Cheap ConcoctionÂ
Every college student has that cheap bottle of wine lying around. Well, this simple drink will force you to use it and that leftover soda in your fridge. Sounds gross? More like genius! Seriously, every 21 and over college student should try this!Â
1 can soda
1/2 bottle of wine
Mix a little at a time to concoct to your preferred taste.
    4. Blushing Betty
This fruity and fun drink will brighten anyone’s end of the semester-no matter what your grades may look like!Â
1 ounce pink grapefruitÂ
1 1/2 ounces bourbonÂ
To get more recipes like this click here.Â
Non-Alcoholic Recipes
- Shirley Temple
This is a classically fun drink! You can make it at home or even order it at any hang out spot. Plus, it’s sweet and you’ll never have to worry about a hangover!Â
1/4 cup sprite or 7 UP soda
1 1/2 tablespoons of grenadine syrup
cherries for garnish
   2. Brown PelicanÂ
I’m sure since Thanksgiving just passed you have some apple cider lying around. If you’re having a get together, but don’t want to drink, just make this recipe! Trust me, everyone will want to try it!Â
5oz apple cider
2 1/2 oz ginger ale
To get more recipes like this click here.Â