We all know that this election has been stressful to say the least, so what better way to relieve that then throwin’ a couple back? Who cares if election night’s a Tuesday, this is necessary and I’m sure your bosses and teachers will understand when you come stumbling in Wednesday morning. If you’re as concerned about the outcome of this election as we are, play this drinking game to soften the blow just a little bit.
Take a sip:
Every time your heart is pierced by Anderson Cooper’s blue eyes
If someone says “270”
If someone threatens to move out of the country if Trump wins
If somebody says “undecided voters will determine this election”
If Trump’s “wrong” is referred to or played
Take a shot:
Every time there is a tie for state
For every repeat joke on Facebook or Twitter
If you stress eat an entire bag of chips
If you yell at the TVÂ
If someone says “battleground”
If a state gets recalled
If a state is “too close to call”
If Anderson Cooper giggles
If it’s 3am and we still don’t know who’s leading our country
Please, from all of us here at Her Campus WPUNJ, drink responsibly. Don’t worry, even if you don’t carry the game out through the whole night you’re still a winner in our eyes.