Not all cultures and families celebrate Thanksgiving. There are also others who don’t have the circumstances to celebrate the holiday. To keep in with the spirit of being thankful and sharing that feeling with others, here are five ways to spend Thanksgiving when you don’t celebrate.
Volunteer Your Time During the holidays a lot of organizations put together Thanksgiving meals for the local homeless community. They’re always looking for volunteers to serve or make food. This is an opportunity to pass extend appreciation and thankfulness in your community despite not traditionally celebrating Thanksgiving.
Visit a Senior Citizen’s Home/Orphanage Holidays are always sad when you think about spending them alone. Use Thanksgiving as a chance to go out and spend time with a senior citizen whose family stopped coming to visit, or at an orphanage with children.
Collect Clothes/Supplies for Homeless Shelters Take advantage of the idea of thoughtfulness on Thanksgiving. Go door to door and see if people in your neighborhood have old clothes, unworn shoes or non perishable food items they could donate. Pay especially close to kids items (i.e. old baby, toddler or teen clothes) so you can gift them to single mothers and families at homeless shelters.
Go to Church/Temple Since it is the holiday for being thankful, why not spend your day attracting positive energy and vibes? Take this day to center yourself spiritually so that you can go on with the rest of November in peace and positivity. Churches usually hold services on Thanksgiving and serve food. Temples often will hold special prayer and meditation services.
Buy Toys for Kids Now, along with Thanksgiving is the ever-famous Black Friday. This week the sales are going to be great, but realistically they start before Black Friday and even before Thanksgiving. Get to the stores early and get deals on toys for kids to hand out on the holiday. Nothing warms kids up like surprise presents!