Valentine’s Day is a day of love, right? It’s so easy to get caught up with investing so much of yourself in other people, thinking about what they want or what they need, but when was the last time you invested your time, well, in you? This Valentine’s Day remember to show yourself a bit of love; there’s no crime in doing so. The best way to love someone else is by loving yourself first. Let’s take a second to think about it, to love someone else, you have to love yourself. If you don’t, you might become a victim of losing yourself in the relationship. So, here are five things that you can do to show yourself a little love!
1. Pamper Yourself:Â Â Invite a group of friends over and indulge in the ultimate spa day filled with facials, manicures/pedicures, and tasty food. To make it a little more spunky add a theme on top of it! A Night in Paris, anyone? My motto is, “surround yourself with good people, and you’ll have a good time,” so pick up your phone and make it happen.
2. Trust Yourself: Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Well, I wish it was that easy! As college students it’s easy to doubt ourselves. Are we making the right decisions? Am I in the right major? Trust yourself and your decisions. Out of all the people in the universe, you know yourself the best. Sometimes you have to overcome that sense of doubt and just take a leap of faith!
3. Make a List: This Valentine’s Day make a list of ten things you like about yourself, and five things you love about yourself. Put it somewhere that it can easily be seen — a place that you pass by everyday, like your bathroom mirror! Whenever you’re feeling a little down or insecure, remember who you are and remind yourself why you are amazing.
4. Explore: Explore new things. Be adventurous; you never know what’s out there if you never try new things. Being adventurous doesn’t always have to mean traveling across the world. Being adventurous can simply mean talking to a stranger. As long as you’re doing something new, adventure is waiting for you.
5. Reward Yourself: A good way to show yourself love is to reward yourself. Put aside the time to do something that you enjoy, whatever it may be. It’s not a crime to acknowledge a good deed. After writing a paper or landing a new job, celebrate your accomplishment!