College is definitely a big pile of stress and students need to find ways that help them manage their minds to succeed. Finding a variety of things or ways to control these feelings will help you enjoy your experience more.
My main way to maintain my stress is to go out to a park near the water and sit. Taking in nature and surrounding myself with it helps calm me and bring me to my happy place. Sometimes I even play some music or bring a book to read. I find comfort in music as well so that also helps me de-stress from my school day. On the way back to my dorm after class, I always listen to music to bring my thoughts to a pause and to relax after a day of classes. These simple activities bring me to have more motivation when I get back to start doing my work for the day.
Reading a book is a way to escape your reality every once and a while. I enjoy reading a lot, so I go to it frequently to find somewhere to make me think about other things besides school work. Driving is another method that helps people think through their problems. I often go out on drives so I can think about what is stressing me and I can think of ways to fix what needs to be fixed while I’m doing something that I enjoy. Everyone can do this strategy as long as they have something that brings them comfort but makes them able to think clearly.
Bottom line is to find something you love doing and try to use it as a strategy that helps you calm down and stay focused. Sometimes hobbies can work for de-stressing, but if it does not simply try to find something that brings you comfort that you can revisit every time you feel overwhelmed or stressed in college or in life.