Our Real Life College *Gentlemen, Sebastian and Eric, are back again this month, collegiettes! And they’re answering your burning questions about guys, dating, relationships — the whole lot! This month they’re tackling old hookups, long distance relationships, and how to dress for a first date.
A guy who I was friends with high school and I used to hook up occasionally. When he started dating this girl over the summer, we stopped. He always says such nice things about her, puts up pictures of them, and spends a lot of time with her. We’ve been completely plutonic for months. But recently he’s been texting me trying to hook up again out of the blue. What’s the deal?
E: Ouch. You can start with this one, Sebass.
S: Well, the deal is, think of your favorite restaurant. Sometimes we don’t visit our favorite restaurant for a while; we move away, it goes out of business, whatever, and life goes on – but sometimes you crave that old restaurant, whether its there or not, and we reach out in some form.
E: Solid food analogy… It’s all about nostalgia, dear writer. He’s probably going through some troubles with this current girlfriend, and you play a romanticized role in his mind that he thinks he can go back to – its up to you if you want to acquiesce this request. Just be aware of consequences.Â
Is it worth getting involved with a guy at your college if their actual home is far away?Â
S: How far?
E: Yeah, that’s huge. Let’s say 3 hours.
S: Sure
E: Because at 3 hours, you have to make a day out of the visit. It’s not a simple trip; it’s an actual investment of time.
S: Right.
E: I say it’s worth it, again, depending on how strongly you feel for this person, understanding the consequences and realities of distance within relationship for four long summer months followed immediately by constant connection. Could get a bit crazy.
S: It’s college. You need to get involved, get into it, enjoy it. I say go for it.
So I’ve recently been talking to this senior guy (I’m a freshman) and he’s super sweet and we have a lot in common! He recently asked me out on a date to go to dinner! What would a guy like to see a woman wear on a first date?
S: Leggings and a college sweatshirt of her choice.
E: Really? Out to eat?
S: Yeah, I want her to feel comfortable.
E: Interesting. I’d go sundress with low top converse — a sort of cheeky, romantic comedy, Zooey Deschanel look.
S: Interesting.
E: But not like 500 Days of Summer Zooey — I despise that film… but that’s a whole other article.
Have any questions for our RLCGs? Hit us up on Facebook or Twitter, and Eric and Sebastian will tackle your questions next month! Also, make sure to listen to 88.7 Brave New Radio’s “Morning Blend” (hosted by Eric and Sebastian) to hear them answering the RLCG questions live on the air!