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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

As a society, we associate venting as a dreadful thing. When you think of the word “vent,” what comes to mind? You may be thinking of a person going on and on about something we may not care about and are not interested in. At least that’s what I learned and grew up thinking.

However, the truth is everyone needs to vent on occasion. If you think about it, we are sometimes encouraged to vent, we just describe it as different words like “express” and “open up.” It’s a way to let out our strong emotions. When we don’t open up about certain things, we hold everything in which can sometimes be troublesome.

I’m one of those people who holds everything in just so I don’t feel like I’m bothering anyone, or I think they don’t want to hear what I want to say, so why bother? Eventually, when we hold everything in, we aren’t able to take it anymore. We are like pots filled with water that is boiling over. Everything comes out all at once and sometimes, it comes out in an unhealthy way.

We need to vent. So, find someone you trust, ask them if they have a couple of minutes, and talk to them. Don’t be afraid to say what’s on your mind. If you are someone who may not need to vent, be the listener. You want to be that person someone goes to if they are having a problem. That tells a lot about someone’s character. Just listening and supporting someone will make the biggest difference in that person’s life. Even if you feel like you’re not doing anything or offering any good advice, trust me, you are helping, and that person will thank you.

Hi everyone