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The Ultimate Single Girls’ Guide to Surviving Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

It’s that time of year again, ladies, when our News Feeds will be spammed with endless pictures of chocolate hearts, stuffed animals, and candle-lit diners — V-Day, Singles Awareness Day, or plain old Valentine’s Day. A day filled with red boxes of candy, smooching couples, and stuffed monkeys in boxer shorts. It’s a day that reminds single gals just how single they are, and sometimes it can be downright sucky. Whether this is your first year valentine-less or the continuation of your singleness tradition, no worries! You can rejoice in the fact that you are living the life of an independent woman, and let’s face it: you’re saving a whole lot of money on pointless gifts for your significant other. Don’t have a partner to celebrate with, don’t fret! Grab all your single gal friends and use our trusty Single Girl’s Guide to Surviving Valentine’s Day – no man required!

Girls’ Night In – Rather than heading out surrounded by lovebirds, try bringing the fun inside! Invite all your single girlfriends over and don’t forget the fondue for two or five or six! Who said that couples have all the fun? Dust off your old game of Twister and pull out your Cosmo magazines, mud masks, and popcorn. Do whatever makes you laugh and have fun and feel the love with some of your best gal pals!

Hit the Town – Valentine’s Day lands on a Friday night this year, which is the perfect excuse to dust off that little black dress that’s been in the back of closet, and enjoy the nightly festivities. Put on your highest heels and your best hair and makeup, and dance the night away at your local club — or hit the bar, if you’re looking for a more chill night with the girls.

Throw an Anti-Valentine’s Day Party – If you’re not in a relationship, why not spend the night with other singles? Gather your coworkers, school friends, and closest buds, and throw a party in celebration of not being committed to anyone. What better way than enjoying “singledom” with the rest of your single friends than with good music and fun drinks? You never know, your future Valentine might be just a few inches away.

Host a Swap Party – It’s time to put your inner hostess to work. Buy some yummy finger food, great wine, and invite your girls to a shopping experience like no other! Have each of your girlfriends pick out things that are taking up space in their closet and tell them bring them so everyone has an opportunity to swap with one another. You can each walk away feeling good knowing you have a brand new wardrobe without spending any money. Think of it as a “yard sale with friends!”

Slumber Party – Bring it back to the old days and host a sleepover with your girls. What better way than spending the night surrounded by junk food, Rachel McAdams’s on-screen love affairs, and great wine? It’ll be the perfect time to catch up with your friends in a relaxing setting and reminisce on the good old times. The only thing about the sleepover is you’ve traded your soda for wine, and bedtime is nonexistent!

Treat Yourself – Rather than rely on someone else to make you feel special, do it yourself. Go out to that movie you’ve been wanting to see! Those shoes you’ve been eyeing in the window or that dress you’ve tried on time and time again — buy them! It’s definitely well-deserved.

“Me” Day – Take the opportunity to celebrate you, and have the day all to yourself! Change up your look, buy a hot outfit, or go to your favorite mani/pedi spot and splurge on a spa day. Whatever you do, make sure the main focus is you! If you’re looking good on the outside, it’ll only make you feel amazing on the inside.

Pretend it doesn’t exist and just enjoy the chocolate sales on February 15 – Act like it’s a regular day and just do your thing! Go to the gym, cook dinner, do the usual, and wake up on Saturday excited for all the chocolate heavenly goodness heading your way — and for cheap!


Happy Valentine’s Day, collegiettes!


Photo Sources:http://f1.thejournal.ie/media/2014/02/shutterstock_172216064-390×285.jpg…

Jade is a full time junior majoring in Communications with a concentration in public relations and journalism at William Paterson. After graduation, she plans on continuing her passion for public relations and emerging herself in the entertainment and beauty industries. She is currently part of the publicity team for the Her Campus chapter at William Paterson.
Ana Valentin is a freshman at William Paterson with a wrong major in Environmental Science but will be transferring in the spring to Elementary Special Education and English Creative Writing, She has a burning love for all things glitter, beautiful, and fashionable. You'll probably find her in the student cafe sucking down a machiatto. If you do, feel free to say hello. She likes those too.
 Di Onne Agnew "chic, comfy, and stylish"