1.Blogging isn’t hard work. Thanks to technology, anyone can be a blogger at any time from anywhere, and this convenience leads to many lackadaisical bloggers on the Web. But, professional bloggers, or other bloggers who are serious about what they do, spend many tired hours a week writing posts, researching information, finding or making images and editing their work over and over again. Blogging also requires the abilities to think, work and react quickly—after all, we must keep up with the latest trends in fashion, beauty, technology, health and fitness (and more!) at all times.
2.Writing is easy. Writing may seem like a no-brainer because almost everyone does it every day. Stylized writing—the kind used in blogging—however, requires a lot of thought and concentration; a blogger’s writing must appeal to his or her intended audience while maintaining a unique voice and personality. Not to mention, there are countless nit-picky grammar rules to remember, as well as style and ethical guidelines to follow.
3.Bloggers are materialistic & superficial. Fashion and beauty writers have a (false) reputation for being petty. While there are surely shallow types in every field, many fashion and beauty gurus promote self-expression, individuality and female empowerment—not just the clothes or make-up. Additionally, bloggers cover an exceptionally wide range of meaningful topics, including technology, health and fitness, travel, art and culture, just to name a few.
4.Blogging is a waste of time. To some, blogging is a career; to others, it’s a creative outlet; to others, it’s a means of raising awareness, sharing knowledge or helping a cause. Blogging is a cool way to meet new people, to make new connections and to learn outside the classroom, and as long as a blogger enjoys what he or she is doing, it’s never a waste of time.
5.Bloggers have awesome social lives. Hello, blogging is work! Bloggers have just as much time to be social as anyone else. It isn’t all fun and games.
6.Bloggers are anti-social. Bloggers are known to sit behind their computers on Friday nights from time to time, but this isn’t a quality exclusive to them. Just as there are materialistic and superficial individuals in every profession, there are introverts in every profession. Besides, for every introverted blogger, there’s a blogger who’s just as outgoing.
7.Bloggers are handed freebies all the time. Every time you scroll through Instagram, you’re likely to spot a big-name blogger thanking a trendy company for the new swimsuit, eye shadow palette, etc. Companies like bloggers with upwards of 3,000 followers to wear their goods in hopes of growing their fan bases, which is why certain bloggers are sent certain products. Most bloggers, on the other hand, are seldom to never sent freebies during their blogging careers.
8.Bloggers get paid to promote certain brands or products. Due to media law and ethics, bloggers must disclose when they are being compensated for promoting a product. If there’s no disclosure, chances are the blogger is promoting the product because he or she genuinely likes it and recommends it. Most commonly, bloggers will use the hashtag #Ad to let their followers know when they’re being paid to advertise a certain product.
9. Bloggers love the spotlight. Personal style, beauty, fitness and lifestyle bloggers post a number of images or videos of themselves because, well, they’re personal bloggers, not because they’re craving attention. Blogging this way is simply a way for them to showcase their personalities. Other bloggers, however, prefer staying behind the scenes in order to give their followers the inside scoop. At fashion shows, these bloggers are usually sporting ponytails, plain clothes and no make-up, and are trying to stay away from cameras as best as they can.
10.Bloggers are only after followers and fame. This is another stereotype that’s only true for a small fraction of people in the blogging sphere. Bloggers blog because they care about a topic, like to write and want to share their opinions. Whether they had 500,000 followers of five followers, most bloggers would still be doing what they’re doing. However, it can be easy to get caught up in the followers and the fame, and for some followers, this makes it difficult to stay grounded, which is where this stereotype comes from.